Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the Holy Land holds 27th Jalsa Salana, emphasising justice and peace

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Haifa, 4 July 2024: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community gathered under the expansive skies of the Mahmud Mosque in Kababir, Haifa, today to mark the commencement of its 27th Jalsa Salana. This year’s annual convention, themed “And Allah calls to the abode of peace,” brought together a diverse audience including Muslims, Jews, Druze, non-religious individuals, and Buddhists.

In his address, Amir of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kababir spoke about the prophecies in the Holy Quran and teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa regarding the future of Islam. He highlighted the Jamaat’s belief in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian as the Promised Messiah and Mahdi destined to restore true Islamic values in the modern era.

Touching upon themes of justice and moderation, the Amir underscored the shared principles of Islam and Judaism, which advocate against excessive punishments and emphasise divine justice. He cautioned against the illusion of perpetual power, urging nations to pursue peace through mutual respect and understanding.

Dr Uriel Simonsohn, a professor at Haifa University, contributed with insights into the historical coexistence of Jews under Muslim rule, citing Jewish scholars who acknowledged the freedoms and advancements during that period.

The event was attended by dignitaries including the Mayor of Haifa, who praised the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s efforts during challenging times.

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A video presentation showcased the Community’s resilience and humanitarian initiatives amidst conflict.

As the gathering concluded, participants were left with a message of hope and commitment to justice, accompanied by prayers for global peace and harmony.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Jalsa Salana continues tomorrow with further discussions on faith, community service, and interfaith dialogue, reflecting its ongoing dedication to fostering understanding and unity in the Holy Land.

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