How can one help converts integrate into the Nizam-e-Jamaat?


During a virtual mulaqat of the missionaries of Germany with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, which was held on 15 November 2020, a missionary said, “People from other nations who have joined the Jamaat are very much impressed by the Jamaat’s religious and theological arguments. However, they do not integrate as well into the nizam [system] of the Jamaat, especially in matters of financial sacrifices. Moreover, they are also unable to maintain contact with the local Jamaats. We request Huzooraa to kindly grant us some guidance in this regard.” 

Huzooraa replied: 

“Do not make the nizam [the administrative structure] of the Jamaat difficult for them. That is why, in the early days, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh stated – the previous Khulafa have also said this and I too say this as well – that when new converts come and join the Jamaat, explain to them what the system of the Jamaat is during the first three years. Do not treat them as if they are already auliya‘ullah [friends of Allah] or that they are among the progeny of the companions or are born Ahmadis. 

“Having said that, the new converts possess more religious knowledge than those who are born into Ahmadiyyat. This is something that I have often observed. Those people who join the Jamaat after deep contemplation, pay more attention to prayers, reciting istighfar, offering Tahajud and trying to understand the books of the Promised Messiahas

“In any case, we should not be expecting these things from the very first day they join. That is why the rules of the system of chanda are not applied to them during the first three years. The first three years are a training period for them. During this time, you should morally train them and inform them about the nizam of the Jamaat. [You should explain to them that] since they are new, they should first observe and try to understand the nizam. For example, with regard to financial sacrifices, [you can explain to them that] since Allah the Exalted has drawn our attention towards it, they should contribute as much as they wish towards Waqf-e-Jadid and Tahrik-e-Jadid according to their circumstances, even it be one euro for the whole year for his cause. The purpose for this is so that one feels that they have some attachment with the Jamaat. 

“In the same manner, inform them about Salat as well and encourage them to learn it. When a non-Muslim converts to Islam Ahmadiyyat, you ought to first teach them Surah al-Fatihah. Once he has learnt Surah al-Fatihah, because he needs to offer the Salat, teach him the obligations of Salat [and teach him that] Allah the Exalted has made Salat obligatory upon us and the Holy Prophetsa has said that the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah is an essential condition for it. Salat is not complete without reading Surah al-Fatiha. Therefore, you should first teach them Surah al-Fatiha. Then you can encourage them to learn the translation, or you can advise them to learn the translation first so that at least they can understand what the imam is saying when he recites Surah al-Fatihah in the prayers during which the recitation is done aloud. In this way, they will develop the desire to learn Surah al-Fatihah themselves. 

“I have seen many English converts who have memorised Surah al-Fatihah with great enthusiasm. Whenever any of the new converts from different countries meet me and I advise them to learn Surah al-Fatihah, by the grace of Allah, they learn it and understand it as well. Thus, the first three years are a training period for them. Once their training is completed in the three years, then they will not find it difficult to integrate into the system of the Jamaat. 

“However, if, from day one, you hold high expectations from them to become auliya‘ullah straight away, then that is not possible. (Having this expectation) would be your own fault. 

“The reason why a three-year period has been set is that during this time, you are not to take chanda from them, nor are you to compel them to do anything. In fact, you ought to train them as to what the nizam of the Jamaat is. You should not be harsh when you train them; rather, you ought to explain things to them with love and compassion. For example, teach them what Salat is and why it is obligatory upon us. You should explain that they may be offering one, two, three or four prayers but for a true believer, there are five obligatory prayers that he must offer. Explain the reasons and the wisdom behind this. 

“If they have studied and have been impressed by the theological arguments, then you should explain the wisdom of Salat to them in light of that. If a person has the intellect to understand the religious and theological arguments in depth and the philosophy behind them then it is not correct to simply say to such a person that they will enter Hell if they fail to offer their Salat. You should not say this to anyone. In fact, explain the wisdom behind Salat to them with love and explain why the five daily prayers have been made obligatory upon them. Once they understand the wisdom behind this, they will begin to offer more prayers than you. This is something that I have seen from my experience. 

“In the same manner, you should explain what chanda is and its wisdom and the wisdom in believing in Allah the Exalted. Therefore, it is not a matter of being impressed by the religious and theological arguments; rather, you should use that very knowledge of the religious and theological arguments to explain the wisdom behind different matters. 

“The religious and theological arguments which have impressed them, use that very knowledge as a means [to explain the wisdom behind matters]. For example, after reading The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, people are greatly impressed and it is through reading this book that one can understand the existence of Allah the Exalted; it is through reading The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam that one can discover the true essence of worship; it is though reading The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam that one learns of the true standard of sacrifice and through reading The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, one can understand the concept of Heaven and Hell. 

“Therefore, when you explain the wisdom of these matters to them through the knowledge of the religious and theological arguments that they already have, then they will understand these matters as well. Thus, the answer to your question lies within the very question that you have asked me, therefore take benefit from that.” 

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