How should one reply to people’s mockery of holy personages?


During the virtual mulaqat of students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, on 31 October 2020, a student said, “Nowadays, there are many people who mock the Promised Messiahas. How should we respond to them?”

Upon this, Huzooraa said:

“Firstly, Allah the Exalted Himself said to the Promised Messiahas:

اِنِّیْ مُھِیْنٌ مَّنْ اَرَادَ اِھَانَتَکَ

‘I shall humiliate him who seeks to humiliate you.’

“Thus, Allah the Exalted Himself shall deal with those who intentionally act in this manner however He desires, whether it is by humiliating them in this world, in the Hereafter or by humiliating their progenies.

“However, our response in this regard is simply that which has been explained to us by the Promised Messiahas, namely that you must demonstrate patience and you must not respond to the aggressor in an aggressive manner. You must not respond with violence. Even if you have unbounded love for the Promised Messiahas, you still must not respond with violence.

“The most beloved person to us is the Holy Prophetsa. He is dearer to us than even the Promised Messiahas. Recently, caricatures of the Holy Prophetsa were made in France and some other European countries in order to ridicule him. However, what has our response been to this? We respond by invoking durood upon the Holy Prophetsa as much as possible. When we invoke durood upon the Holy Prophetsa, we also invoke durood upon the aal [progeny] of the Holy Prophetsa. They are also included in that prayer. And the greatest aal of the Holy Prophetsa is the Promised Messiahas. He is the foremost to be counted among the aal of the Holy Prophetsa.

“Therefore, whenever anyone ridicules the Holy Prophetsa or his most ardent servant, the Promised Messiahas, our first duty is to recite durood. Secondly, your conduct should be so exemplary that it silences those who ridicule and mock. They will observe that they ridicule and mock us, yet we continue to convey to them the true teachings of Islam. And we are those who spread love and affection. They will notice that despite them showing hatred towards us, we speak to them with love and affection.

“The Holy Quran also states:

 کَاَنَّہٗ وَلِیٌّ حَمِیۡمٌ 

“In other words, if one exhibits good morals and conduct, then those who bear enmity against you will become your warm friends.

“Therefore, our response is to simply improve our own conduct and conditions, excel in our spirituality and prostrate before Allah the Exalted. We should pray to Allah the Exalted to improve their conditions and pray that if Allah the Exalted deems that they will not change their attitude, then may He grant us respite from them and silence them so that they do not mock or ridicule our loved ones, whether it is the Promised Messiahas or above him, the Holy Prophetsa.

“May we see happiness and joy. It is a source of great joy for us when the Holy Prophetsa is honoured in this world. Similarly, it is a source of great happiness for us when the Promised Messiahas, who was the most ardent devotee of the Holy Prophetsa, is honoured.

“Therefore, we should pray that we may witness their honour and respect being established in this world so that it brings us happiness and joy. We are to seek everything from Allah. We are not to take up sticks, rifles, tanks or knives. We are not going to do any such thing. We are simply going to prostrate before Allah, improve our own conditions and recite durood as much as possible.”

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