Humanity First Germany distributes two tons of food in Albania


Samad Ahmed Ghori, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Albania

On 1 April 2020, Humanity First Germany donated food packets to 110 needy families of Tirana City, Albania amid the Coronavirus spread.

The project was done with the collaboration of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Albania and the Municipality of Tirana. Two tons of food were distributed to more than 500 people who needed it. As Albania is in lockdown, we could not go to distribute the food ourselves.

The municipality staff distributed the packets among four different Administrative Units of Tirana; Vaqarr, Ndroq, Administrative Unit number 4 and 6. In his letter, the Mayor of Tirana, Mr Erion Veliaj stated:

“On behalf of the Municipality of Tirana, I would like to thank you for the support that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Foundation of Albania has given for the fulfillment of various projects and initiatives undertaken for our city. In this context, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Foundation of Albania in cooperation with its humanitarian organisation of the German branch Humanity First Deutschland, have been supportive for coping with the recent pandemic of Covid-19 by donating 110 food packages for families in need, in the territory of the Municipality of Tirana.

“I would like to assure you that the assistance you have provided to the needy in the capital city has the gratitude of the entire community of Tirana, from all its Administrative Units, among the families who received it. We thank you again for being part of our projects and for supporting us to transform Tirana into a dignified European city and for the solidarity with its citizens.”

The food packets included essentials such as, sugar, rice, flour, oil, sauces, legumes, pasta, salt, trahana, marmalade, margarine, milk and liquid soap.

May Allah the Almighty bless Humanity First Germany for the great help during a time when people are scared and helpless. Amin

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