Humanity First helps Muslim children affected by war in Bosnia, Prijedor


Zubair Khalil Khan, Director of projects for Southeast Europe, Humanity First Germany 

On 30 September 2021, two humanitarian projects by Humanity First were carried out in the Bosnian city of Prijedor. Mr Mirsad Duratovic, President of the city Parliament was the chief guest for both the projects. The mayor of the city and other city parliament officials also attended the donation ceremony.

The first project was done under Humanity First’s “Knowledge for Life” project, costing 1,440 euros. 

One laptop and eight tablets were donated to a local school named Dositej Obradovic Primary School. This school is located in a Muslim population area where around 300 Muslim families reside. These families were victims of genocide during the previous war in Bosnia. Their houses were put on fire. During the war, the children and young men were killed and the women faced torture. The leftover surviving Muslim population had no choice but to migrate elsewhere. After the war, some Muslim families came back to their own damaged houses and are still fighting for their fundamental rights in the Serb-dominated city of Prijedor.

The last time Humanity First visited this school, they were informed that the school did not even have Internet access or computers and therefore the computer classes ceased. This is a glaring example of discrimination against the Muslim children of the area, even after 25 since the war ended.  

During the last visit of the Humanity First team, the city council president, Mr Mirsad Duratovic, present on the occasion, promised that if Humanity First donated the required computer equipment, the city administration would immediately provide an Internet connection to the school. 

Humanity First reacted very promptly and now this school has an internet connection and computer equipment to start the computer classes.

The other project in the same city on the same day was organised under Humanity First’s “Food Security” project.. 

For this project, food worth 1,500 euros was donated to a local kitchen facility run by Optimisti. From this kitchen facility, every day, 300 needy families irrespective of their religious attachment, get a one-time warm meal. In the past, the kitchen was given meat from the Eid celebration, by Humanity First.

For participating in both the projects, a team of three members from Humanity First Bosnia travelled 650 km in the mountainous terrain. The team was led by the President of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bosnia, Muffeezur Rehman Sahib.

News of both the projects was covered by the local print and electronic media. The news was also broadcast on regional television during prime time.

The readers of Al Hakam are requested to remember the devoted members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and Humanity First Bosnia in prayers.

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