Humanity First Senegal and Humanity First Canada team up to help storm victims in Senegal


Musa Khan, Senegal

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In the months of June and July 2021, there were severe winds and storms in the region of Tambacounda, Senegal. As a result, not only the roofs of several houses and huts were blown off, but unfortunately, two children also died when a wall collapsed. 

In this regard, Chairman Humanity First Senegal requested Chairman Humanity First Canada for some assistance.

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On 3 August 2021, Humanity First Senegal set up an aid distribution programme in collaboration with the government administration.

40 families from ten villages of Zone Kousanar and 13 families from seven villages of Tambacounda were given aid by the Mayor of Tambacounda. The aid included rice, macaroni, cooking oil, water containers, soap and other food items. 

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Nasir Ahmed Sandhu Sahib, Chairman Humanity First Senegal, personally visited the region of Tambacounda and distributed aid along with the government administration and also visited several villages and met with victims. 

Humanity First Canada has rendered invaluable assistance in this regard and Humanity first Senegal is very grateful to them.

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