Islamic fasting guidelines: What should you do if you intentionally break your fast?


Someone from India wrote to Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, recounting his various mistakes and shortcomings concerning the promises he made to God Almighty and his non-observance of Ramadan fasts. He sought guidance regarding the expiation of these mistakes and the attainment of forgiveness for these sins. […] Huzoor-e-Anwaraa, in his letter dated 11 May 2022, gave the following answer to his question:

“The errors you have mentioned, and the duties that were neglected or not fulfilled, or the intentional breaking of obligatory fasts – all these issues pertain to the rights of Allah the Exalted, and only He can forgive them. The remedy for these lies in genuine repentance before Allah and continually seeking His forgiveness for one’s mistakes.

“As you have written, your health is in good condition by the grace of Allah, so alongside repentance and continual seeking for forgiveness [istighfar], you should also focus on gradually making up for the unobserved fasts (i.e., those fasts of Ramadan that were not observed or were intentionally left incomplete or broken). Similarly, if you want to atone for these mistakes and shortcomings by offering a certain amount of fidyah, you should do so by way of charitable giving.

“The authority to forgive your past mistakes and shortcomings, to accept your present good deeds, your repentance, your prayers for forgiveness, and your acts of charity, lies solely with Allah the Exalted. Yet, based on the teachings of the Holy Quran, the instructions of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and the advice given by his most ardent devotee, the Promised Messiahas, we can only pray that Allah grants you wisdom, blesses your sincere efforts, accepts your repentance and forgiveness through His mercy, protects you from all kinds of satanic attacks in the future, and includes you amongst His devout servants. Amin.”

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