Jalsa Yaum-e-Masih-e-Maud held in Bradford East, Canada

Touseef Ahmad Rehan, Secretary Ishaat, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bradford East, Canada

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bradford East, Canada, organised Jalsa Yaum-e-Masih-e-Maud on 22 March 2024. The arrangements for listening to the event for Lajna members and nasirat members were made at the Baitul Khabeer Mosque, while the arrangements for khuddamansar, and atfal were made at the Bradford Community Center.

The formal programme started with a recitation from the Holy Quran with its English and Urdu translations, followed by a poem with its English translation.

A speech was delivered by Qasim Ghumman Sahib, a missionary, on the topic of “Promised Messiah’sas love for the Holy Quran.”

The event concluded with a silent prayer, followed by Isha and Taraweeh prayers. A total of 228 members attended the event. The event was live-streamed on YouTube.

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