Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria and Humanity First collaborate in charity event


Zubair Khalil Khan

Director Projects in South East Europe

Humanity First Germany

Ahmadiyya Youngsters who have come all the way from the UK, France and Germany to study medicine in Bulgaria were lined up for a great cause to donate their blood for the people of Bulgaria. The following day, the same youth participated in organising a charity walk and football matches by Humanity First in collaboration with the municipality of Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria.

It was a great festive ceremony in the main Plovdiv Stadium. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat missionary, Mr JawwadUddin Affan – currently stationed in Bulgaria – initially contacted the Social Welfare Department of the municipality of Plovidv, and on behalf of Humanity First, offered to donate medical equipment required by a school taking care of children with special needs.

Director of social welfare in the municipality, Ms Vaselina Boteva, along with head of the school Ms Bateba, the mayor and the deputy mayor of Plovdiv, appreciated the humanitarian gesture and wholeheartedly welcomed the idea.

13 April was agreed for the festive ceremony for handing over the donated equipment. Along with the donation, additional activities were also planned, which included  two charity runs (800-metre and 200-metre) by male and female adults as well as children.

An exhibition football match was also scheduled between students and professors. Ms Boteva, the director of social welfare of Plovdiv, remained the true spirit behind the success of this humanitarian event.

Weather forecasts in Bulgaria indicated heavy rain on 13 April, which created apprehensions for the success of the event. An urgent fax requesting the special prayers of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was sent to the UK. After two nights of heavy rainfall, on the morning prior to the start of Humanity First event, Allah showed His mercy and Kindness and clouds began to disperse. Throughout the entire programme, the sun continued to shine on us.

Amir Jamaat Germany Mr Abdullah Wagishauser, Director Marketing Humanity First Germany Mr Stefan Haerter and Director Projects for South East Europe Mr Zubair Khan travelled from Germany to be part of this festive event.

Almost 35 Ahmadi Students currently undergoing medical studies were the most visible group to donate blood and to facilitate organisation of this event under the leadership of Mr Haseeb, recently appointed as Qaid Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria.

In addition to Humanity First, many other humanitarian organisations including Red Cross also sponsored the event. Almost half a dozen stalls were erected to house the activities of different organisations.

Children with special needs were very happy to have received the equipment and one could see tears of joy and gratitude in their eyes. It was an historical event, the first of its kind in Bulgaria by Humanity First. Local officials expressed appreciation and recognition certificates were given to Humanity First with the hope that such activities continued in the future.

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