Besmir Yvejsi, Kosovo Correspondent

On 30 March 2023, representatives of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo, including National President, Jinahuddin Saif Sahib, and local muallimeen Alban Zeqiraj Sahib and Shkelqim Bytyqi Sahib, visited the United Nations Development Programme headquarters in Prishtina, Kosovo. The purpose of their visit was to discuss the religious and cultural activities of the organisation and to explore potential areas of collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme.
During the meeting, Mr Sehadin Shok, the Chief Technical Advisor for Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Intercommunity Dialogue and Social Cohesion project, was given an overview of the history of Ahmadiyyat. Additionally, the discussion delved into various topics, such as the second advent of Jesusas.
Mr Shok was impressed by the Jamaat’s slogan “Love for All, Hatred for None”, which embodies its commitment to peace and harmony. The representatives of the Jamaat also highlighted the Jamaat’s religious, cultural, and educational activities in Kosovo, including the three branches located in Peja and Mitrovica. The conversation also touched on the peaceful teachings of Islam and the system of Khilafat, as well as the historical speeches of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa at various venues around the world.
Mr Shok was gifted with several books, including The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, Life of Muhammadsa, and World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.
The visit was a significant step in promoting intercommunity dialogue and social cohesion.
Furthermore, as a token of appreciation for Mr Shok’s interest and commitment to inter-community dialogue and social cohesion, the representatives of the Jamaat extended an invitation to him to attend the 10th Jalsa Salana of Kosovo. He accepted the invitation.