Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta had the opportunity to participate and contribute actively towards the Id-Dar tal-Providenza telethon for the fourth time, on 1 January 2023. Jamaat Malta offered support and assisted in collecting donations, as well as arranging lunch and dinner for them as a new year’s gift.
The work started at 10am and continued till 10pm. The members of the Jamaat cooked traditional food and served it to all the volunteers and organisers of this telethon, and performed various duties throughout the event. Special attention was paid to cleanliness during the work and a detailed cleaning was also done at the end of the event.
The members of the Jamaat also helped in answering the telephone calls received during the live broadcast. During the live broadcast, which was aired on all television channels in Malta, comments were also taken from the Ahmadi missionary in Malta, where he highlighted the importance of services to mankind according to Islam and also talked about the slogan of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’.
The members of the Jamaat were wearing shirts with the Jamaat’s logo, on which the name, motto and website address of the Malta Jamaat were written, which also proved to be a source of a broader introduction and tabligh of the Jamaat.
Similarly, all the members were instructed to meet everyone with great courtesy and happiness, serve food to them with a smile and to greet the people there, to keep inquiring about their well-being and to take full advantage of any opportunity to serve that comes your way.
This event was very successful, alhamdulillah.
Hassan Bashir Sahib, the person in charge of our team, took care of everything with special interest, and his team members, Musawar Ahmad Sahib, Hafiz Waqas Ahmad Sahib, Jaree-Ullah Khalid Sahib, Nasir Mahmud Sahib, Hanan Ahmed Sahib and Nauman Atif Sahib gave full support throughout the event. May Allah the Almighty reward them with the best in this world and in the Hereafter. Amin.