Musawer Ahmed Muzzamil, Missionary, Senegal

The 11th Jalsa Salana Senegal was held on 29-31 December 2023, at the national headquarters of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in Dakar, Senegal. The theme of the Jalsa Salana was “Islamic teachings for sustainable development.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa had nominated Baba F Trawally Sahib, Amir Jamaat The Gambia, as his representative for Jalsa Salana Senegal 2023. Moreover, for the first time, Huzooraa wrote a special message for the participants of the Jalsa Salana.
For the first time, two regional governors attended the Jalsa and expressed their good wishes to the audience.
On 28 December, participants from remote regions of the country started coming in convoys. There were many who had travelled more than 600 kilometres to attend the Jalsa.
On 29 December, the Jalsa was inaugurated with flag hoisting. All attendees proceeded to the hall and listened to the live Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. After that, Amir Jamaat Senegal led the Jumuah prayer.
In the evening, the first session was presided over by Amir Jamaat The Gambia, who read out the special message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa and led everyone in silent prayer.
As usual, sessions were held in local languages (Wolof, Polar, Sirer, and Jola) after Maghrib and Isha prayers. Apart from speeches in local languages, question and answer sessions were also organised.
On 30 December, the day started with Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, followed by dars. After breakfast, in the morning session, there were various speeches on the topics of Islamic teachings for permanent peace and at the end of the session, the honourable guests were also given an opportunity to express their views.
At the end of this session, the Governors of Region Kolda and Region Thies came and expressed their sincere feelings regarding the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. Both of the governors have also participated in Jalsa Salana UK 2023.
After the Zuhr and Asr prayers, the third session started, in which speeches were given on various topics. Later, some guests expressed their views. The third session ended with a silent prayer.

After Maghrib and Isha prayers, sessions were also held in local languages (i.e., Wolof, Polar, Sirer, and Jola).
On the second day of the Jalsa, the proceedings of a separate Lajna session were also held. Women speakers mentioned Islamic teachings for permanent peace in the world. Nasirat recited the Arabic qasidah of the Promised Messiahas, in praise of the Holy Prophetsa.
On 31 December 2023, the day began with the Tahajjud prayer. Later, after the Fajr prayer and dars-ul-Quran, the participants stayed in the Jalsa Gah. The Amir of Jamaat in The Gambia distributed awards to outstanding students for their academic achievements over the year.
Around 10 am, all the members listened to the concluding address of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa to the Jalsa Salana Qadian. For the first time in the history of Senegal, Jalsa Salana Senegal, along with several other Jalsas, was streamed live on MTA and scenes from Jalsa Salana Senegal were seen on MTA several times during the concluding address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
This concluded the Jalsa Salana Senegal 2023.
3930 men and women from more than 300 villages of 14 regions of Senegal joined the Jalsa Salana Senegal 2023. Apart from them, delegations from neighbouring countries, such as Mali, Mauritania and Gambia, also participated. Two Ahmadis from the UK also joined this Jalsa. Similarly, more than 150 guests of the Jamaat joined the Jalsa, including chiefs of villages and representatives of various villages who were joining the Jalsa for the first time.
The Jalsa Salana was attended by representatives of several radio stations and other journalists and caused the message of Ahmadiyyat to be broadcast. Ten days before the Jalsa, announcements were made on radio stations in all regions to inform people about the Jalsa. After the Jalsa, the programmes of the Jalsa are being broadcast on the radios of the regions.