Besmir Yvejsi, Secretary Ishaat, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo

It has been over four months since the registration of the first few cases of Covid-19 in Kosovo. The number of infected people is increasing daily and this number has exceeded 5,000; the number of new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants is the highest in Europe. Those infected belong to all walks of life: from ordinary people to politicians, from doctors and police officers to members of the Assembly of Kosovo.
In the capital of Kosovo, Prishtina, one of the institutions that has worked almost throughout the pandemic has been the Center for Social Work with its three units that develop its services within the Directorate of Health and Social Welfare of the municipality of Prishtina.
Based on the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo and in order to preserve the health of employees and parties, on 15 July 2020, throughout the day, all units of the Center for Social Work were disinfected.

The financial costs of the disinfection were covered by Humanity First and Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo. Also, during the last week, Humanity First Germany and Jamaat Kosovo, in institutional cooperation with the municipality of Prishtina in the same areas, established stations for hand disinfection and hygienic masks.
The representative of Humanity First Germany in Kosovo and the officials of the municipality of Prishtina have agreed to stay close to each other as well as to other institutions, offering support where possible to overcome this challenge together.
During this project there were also words of thanks from the officials of the Center for Social Work. Its director, Mr Blerim Shabani, explaining the services that were offered by this Center, said:
“First of all, thank you for the opportunity you have provided us as Humanity First organisation to disinfect the premises of the Center for Social Work, which as an institution is a local professional institution that provides direct services to children and categories of citizens in need … We consider this action of yours extremely positive and useful considering that not only during the year 2019, but also during this year, we have provided services for 2,000 clients, children and adults and over 9,000 services and currently we have over 1,536 social assistance beneficiaries in all three units.”
The official chief of unit III of this Center, Mr Naim Gashi said:
“Due to the infection of some employees of the Social Center we are obliged and compelled to do the disinfection and we thank the Humanity First organisation for the disinfection of the premises of the Center for Social Work of the Bregu i Diellit (Sun Coast neighbourhood).”
In the end, Mrs Hysnije Pajaziti, who is the official chief of social assistance services, unit II, said:
“After the results of some persons (with Covid-19) in unit II in Prishtina, we were compelled to disinfect the facility. We thank Humanity First which helped us to do the disinfection. We also thank Humanity First who supported us at other times…”
This project also had media coverage. 10 websites and official persons have posted the article and over 400,000 people have followed this activity, alhamdulillah.