Ilham Sayyid Ahmad, Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia
On 15 July 2021, Jamia Ahmadiyya International Indonesia held a convocation ceremony for its Shahid and Mubashir graduates.
The graduation was for 11 students of Jamia Indonesia, four Shahid and seven Mubashir, who have finished their degrees.
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, since the 1980s, missionaries of Jamia Indonesia have been sent to many Southeast Asian countries, for example, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, East Timor and Tuvalu. And now, Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia has graduated Shahid missionaries since 2020 who will be preaching the true teachings of Islam not only in Indonesia, but in many countries around the world, insha-Allah.

This degree ceremony was presided by Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia, Abdul Basit Shahid Sahib.
The guests, aside from Jamia teachers, staff members and the principal, attended the event virtually due to the pandemic, including local missionaries, national amila members, parents of the graduates and Jamia students.
At 9 am, the event started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, a poem and opening remarks by the principal of Jamia Indonesia, Ma‘sum Ahmad Shahid Sahib.
Afterwards, certificates were presented to the graduates by Amir Sahib Jamaat Indonesia.
The national talim secretary, the missionary-in-charge and the national amir of Indonesia delivered addresses during the ceremony.
The event was concluded with a silent prayer led by Amir Sahib.