On 20 February 2022, members of Lajna Imaillah Germany were blessed to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa through a virtual meeting and ask the questions they had.
At the opening of the meeting, Huzooraa enquired how many Lajna members were present. Sadr Lajna reported there were 254.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then called Fareeha Islam Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran followed by its German translation. The Urdu translation was given by Muntaha Sami Sahiba. Next, Sharmin Sahiba recited an Urdu poem written by the Promised Messiahas.
When Sharmin Sahiba finished reciting the poem, Huzooraa asked if she knew the meaning of the Urdu couplets. Huzooraa then explained the meaning of one line of the poem to Sharmin Sahiba, which read:
اُسى كے ہاتھ كو ڈھونڈو جلاؤ سب كمندوں كو
“Only hold Allah the Almighty’s hand. Kamand means ‘support’ – discard all other supports [other than Allah]. Burn them. Dismiss them. End [using] all ropes, all supports, all anchors. Then only hold onto one hand – and that is Allah the Almighty’s hand; if you hold that you will be successful.”
The Lajna then had the opportunity to ask questions to Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
The first question was by Afsha Baloch Sahiba who asked if the charity of a person who gave a lot of alms but was weak in offering their five daily prayers, would be accepted.
Huzooraa said:
“Namaz [Salat] is also a compulsory religious duty. Allah has said to uphold it, namaz is compulsory […] So one should offer it. At times weaknesses do develop – one sometimes offers it late, but namaz should never be abandoned. One should not be a تارك الصلاة – one who discards namaz.
“Concerning charity and giving alms, Allah says mankind has two rights [to fulfil] – Allah’s right and the rights of man. Allah’s right is that He is worshipped and the right of man is that people are treated well. And if you do good to people then Allah accepts it – why wouldn’t He? Allah accepts charity and alms and will give you its reward.
“But, along with this [giving charity], if you are also fulfilling the rights of Allah, fulfilling the rights of your worship, then your rewards will multiply many times more.
“Apart from this, Allah certainly does accept charity and alms and He has commanded to give charity. Allah also says those people’s namaz is not accepted and will be thrown back on their face who do not take care of orphans and the poor – their namaz isn’t accepted either. Thus, Allah has joined the two together.
“[…] Sometimes Allah enables one to do further good deeds as a result of their charity and alms being accepted. There is an incident that the Promised Messiahas has also written about.”
There was a fire worshipper. One day, it was raining heavily and so, out of sympathy he went onto the roof to throw seeds for the birds to eat as the ground was full of water. Seeing him, a Muslim man questioned what he was doing and said his deeds had no reward as he was a fire worshipper and did not worship Allah. In response, the man said that the reward was down to Allah to give and he was just feeding the birds and was worried about them so that they didn’t die.
What happened next was that very Muslim once went to the Ka‘bah and was performing tawaf when he saw the man who was the fire worshipper. The Muslim man asked the other man what he was doing there. The man responded by saying that the deed of worrying for the birds and giving them something to eat resulted in Allah rewarding him and thus enabling him to accept Islam and perform the tawaf. This man, previously a fire worshipper, told the other Muslim that he had told him he would get no reward; however, Allah rewarded him with Islam for feeding and worrying for the birds.
Huzooraa said charity and alms were not just for humans, but Allah was pleased by being charitable to animals too. Therefore, good deeds are certainly rewarded.
Fizza Ahmad Sahiba asked what one should do when, at times, they are asked to uphold traditions and customs in society that go against Islamic teachings.
Huzooraa said:
“If there are any traditions and customs that lead to shirk [associating partners with Allah], then one should stay away from such customs. If there is no shirk involved and nothing is being raised to the level of Allah’s sanctity, His being Holy and His status, then there is no harm if small and minor customs and traditions are adopted. You are not doing it yourself are you – if you are taking part due to friendship, then it’s fine you observed it, there’s no harm.
“However, remember that any tradition or custom involving any aspect of shirk, we should stay clear of.”
Sobia Jamil Sahiba asked if it was permissible to question and criticise Islam and its teachings.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa pointed out plenty of people criticised Islamic teachings. However, if a Muslim had questions about certain aspects of Islam then they should be addressed.
Huzooraa said:
“Questions that you have, you should try to resolve them. Allah has instructed [us to offer] the five daily prayers – a question raised in one’s mind is why these five prayers are assigned? So, find its answer. Why is there fasting? Find its answer. Now scientists are saying fasting is very beneficial and the namaz regulates and disciplines a person. And then there is the question about the existence of God and lots of other questions too; there is the question about the Islamic hijab. The answer to every question should be sought.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said that in his previous Friday Sermon (18 February 2022) he referenced Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra who said that when he was 11 he had questions about the proofs for the existence of God, the proof for the Holy Prophet’s truth, the proof for the Promised Messiah’s truth and the truth of Islam. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said he began pondering over these questions at that age and when he had firm conviction and confirmed the existence of God, he understood the Holy Prophet’s and the Promised Messiah’s truth too.
Huzooraa continued:
“Questions do arise in a person’s mind, in an educated mind.” However, just raising questions and allegations for the sake of it and then going silent was wrong. One should research and find the answers, “Like Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said, ‘I researched and explored and said I will not get up from here until I do not acquire the answers.’ So that exploration and research should be there too. If you do not find the answers that very day, ponder again the next day, ask people, read the literature – now there’s lots of literature available in Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, at that time [of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra] there was not this much available. […]”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said answers to questions should be sought and due research needed to take place to find the answers. Questions did arise, Huzooraa said, however, one should not just raise them for the sake of it – their answers should be researched by that very person too.
Hala Rehman Shah asked what one could do – other than praying – to help another who was following the wrong path in life.
Huzooraa advised:
“If it is within your control to lead them to the right path, then hold their hand and do so. If it is not within your control – and if you hold their hand they will fight with you – then you can only pray for them.
“The Holy Prophetsa has said ‘Help those who are following the wrong path and stop them from zulm [transgression]’, how? by telling them with your tongue that ‘You are doing something wrong, the real teaching is this, which, if you follow you will gain Allah’s pleasure and will be guided on the right path.’
“If they are a Muslim, tell them what Islamic teachings and true morals are. If they are Christian, tell them what the Bible teaches, if they are Jewish tell them about the Torah’s teachings. Or if they are others, then tell them about the basic morals in the world. […] For example, a thief is seen as bad everywhere.
“First stop them with your hand, then with your tongue, then pray for them. This is what the Holy Prophetsa instructed us – if you have the strength then stop their transgression with your hand if they are transgressing. Otherwise, stop them with your tongue, tell them ‘You are transgressing and are doing something wrong. Stop. And if you don’t have the strength to do this either, then you can pray for them’. This is what the Holy Prophetsa said.”
Amtul Shafi Choudhry Sahiba asked why a child would be born disabled and stay disabled their whole life.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“There are two laws of Allah the Almighty. One is the law of nature. When a child is born with a disease or they have some abnormalities, sometimes it is due to the weaknesses passed on by the parents. That’s why, quite often, when children who are ill in this way are taken to the doctors, they say ‘You have a genetic problem.’ […] The law of nature works in such a situation, Allah does not want the child to be born ill. However, due to the law of nature, it is born [ill].
“Yes, if you pray to Allah the Almighty that He removes the illness or at least makes it easier [for the child] then at times Allah makes their life easier even with their illness present. Sometimes, if He wants to give them long life, other conveniences are created for them and if not, Allah reduces their lifespan.
“Therefore, the law of shariah – the law of prayer – is working alongside this. But the law of nature is also being implemented and the law of nature is what science tells you about the reasons [for the illness]. Allah says ‘Yes, these are the reasons’.
“Allah had no enmity for someone that He made the child disabled. Yes, there are some weaknesses and some mistakes done by the parents […] which then affect the child. The law of nature is working in such a situation, and whether you believe in God or not, that law of nature will express itself and this is what scientists believe too.”
Amatul Mateen Sahiba asked if Allah was angered with those who only worshipped him when in difficulty.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“Allah says that your worship is your religious duty. Not that when a difficulty arises, you run to Allah and begin to prostrate and cry and say ‘O Allah forgive me, I will not do it again.’ You make the promise and retract from it and do it again when the situation gets better.”
Huzooraa referenced the Holy Quran in which Allah says that when people get stuck in a storm at sea they begin to implore Him and promise not to forget Him if they are saved from the storm. But when they reach safety and dry land, they return to their wicked ways. It is then that Allah can punish them.
Allah has said to fulfil the promises we make to Him, otherwise, if we do not He can punish us at any time.
Huzooraa said:
“It is Allah’s choice to punish or forgive […] This is Allah’s choice, it is His work. He is Qadir [The Omnipotent] and does what He wants to.”
It is not right to go against the oaths made to Allah and we should always remain loyal to Him. If someone kept going against their promises to Allah then this was not a good attribute, Huzooraa said.
The element of punishment was Allah’s choice, He can punish in the next world too if He wanted.
Amtul Sabooh Sahiba came to the mic to ask Huzooraa a question. When she said asalamo alaikum and seeing her, Huzooraa said her name, Amtul Sabooh Sahiba was overcome with emotion. With great love, care and a beautiful smile Huzooraa said, “Your question is ‘How can one control their emotions?’ Wait for a little, pray, read:
سبحان اللّٰہ وبحمدہ سبحان اللّٰہ العظیم
“And then ask your question.”
Huzooraa continued to console Amtul Sabooh Sahiba while she asked her question, which was how one could develop humility within themselves.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“First, in your five daily prayers pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah does not allow arrogance to develop in you because Allah does not like it. That’s why one should always pray that Allah keeps us safe from arrogance.
“Then, when you see people, meet them with good morals, convey salaam to everyone and speak with everyone with a smile.”
Alisha Asjad Sahiba said that if nothing happened without the will of Allah, why were Ahmadi Muslims persecuted.
Huzooraa asked Alisha Sahiba who the most beloved prophet was for Allah. Alisha Sahiba said it was the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Huzooraa said the Holy Prophetsa – despite being the most beloved to Allah – still faced 13 years of persecution in Mecca. And after migrating to Medina he faced many more difficulties and after the Victory of Mecca people continued to attack Muslims and the hypocrites would raise their heads too.
Huzooraa said difficulties and persecution were experienced by the Muslims during the era of the Khulafa-e-Rashideen as well.
“Therefore, Allah in the Holy Quran writes that ‘I try people and see how strong your faith is’. Despite being persecuted and harmed, if you still don’t forget Allah and don’t fear people, rather only have the fear of Allah in your heart, then Allah rewards you.”
Huzooraa said Allah gives reward for being patient in this world and the next. He also said to the Lajna members present that if their parents left Pakistan due to suffering persecution and experienced loss while migrating then Allah gave them much more here.
“A prime minister once said ‘I will put a beggar’s bowl in the hands of Ahmadis, they will beg for money holding a bowl […] I will put them in this condition’. What was the result of this ‘condition’? Allah the Almighty destroyed him – his own general hanged him. And Ahmadis – in whose hands he was going to put a beggar’s bowl – are spread across the world today and by Allah’s grace the Jamaat is progressing and we are building mosques, building missions and are preaching everywhere. And individually, Ahmadis are experiencing better conditions.
“So, Allah gives trials to see how much faith you have. He punishes the cruel for their cruelty and at the same time tries you too and observes. And He gives reward in this world and the next.
“This happened with every prophet: all prophets were persecuted, their communities were persecuted. But, in the end, Allah saves them and gives them success.”
Dania Amar Sahiba asked what books of the Promised Messiahas she should read.
Huzooraa asked her if she was doing her Abitur to which Dania Sahiba replied in the affirmative. Huzooraa continued:
“This means you are good at studies. First, read Noah’s Ark and The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam – you will understand what Islamic teachings are, what wisdom is behind Islamic teachings, the wisdom behind Allah’s commandments, the conditions of humans in this world and after death. You will learn all of this. […]
“In the same vein, to learn more teachings of the Promised Messiahas and for a connection with Khilafat read The Will too. Read The Will, Noah’s Ark and as you are doing your Abitur and you seem like a bright girl, read The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam as well.”
Hearing Huzoor’s answer to her, Dania Sahiba was overcome with emotion and thanked Huzooraa.
Iqra Asjad Sahiba told Huzooraa that some years ago her school teacher referenced Surah Sad, verse 53 saying that the Quran only mentioned men would be given “chaste women, restraining their looks” and that there was no mention of women being given rewards in heaven. The teacher concluded from this that women are not given equal rights in Islam. Iqra Asjad Sahiba asked Huzooraa what response could be given.
As he started his answer, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa began opening a copy of the Holy Quran and wore his glasses while saying this element was mentioned in the Holy Quran in various places. He continued:
“The point is, those women [mentioned in the verse] will be Muslims too right? How is there no mention [of women]? It is written there will be “chaste women, restraining their looks, companions of equal age” – who will be ‘chaste’? They won’t be angels, it will be women.
“At another place in the Holy Quran, Allah has said men and women who do good deeds will all go to heaven. […]
“Take these verses out and show them there are verses where Allah has given the commandment that all such people will go to heaven. On lots of occasions, Allah has said women will go to heaven. How can she say this? You should take these references out, and show them”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said many verses promised women heaven and rewards so focusing on one verse of the Quran was not fair.
By this time Huzooraa had opened the reference of Surah Sad (verse 53) and then explained the meaning:
“Here women are being spoken about, right? […] Those husbands who have pious wives, will receive those very wives to serve them and the pious wives who have pious husbands will get their husbands. That is why Allah has given women’s rights in the very place where He mentioned men will get pious partners – in the same place He mentioned that women will get pious partners […]
“So, Allah says pious women will get pious men too […] Allah will establish partners like this. And a wife and husband who are both pious, they will be together anyway in heaven – there’s no question of women there. The women who are unmarried and are pious, Allah will give them pious men” and vice versa.
“And they will be from those very Muslims. Nowhere has Allah written that women will go to hell.”

Attia Muskan Ahmed Sahiba asked why the sunnah of salat are not declared as fardh (compulsory) and if one were not to offer them would it be a sin?
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said the sunnah of salat in normal conditions hold the status of being fardh (compulsory) however in certain circumstances they were forgiven, for example when one was travelling, or during wars etc. And when prayers were combined the sunnah were also forgiven. About Fajr sunnah, Huzooraa said they were not forgiven and were compulsory and therefore must always be offered according to the Holy Prophetsa.
Hadiqa Faroz Sahiba asked what Lajna members could do about the caricatures against the Holy Prophetsa that have been published in school textbooks.
Huzooraa said she should tell people that if everyone were to start attacking religious founders or prophets then peace and harmony could not be maintained in society or even in school. Huzooraa said he had spoken on this issue in various lectures and Feroz Sahiba could read those lectures that have been published in German too.
Continuing on the topic, Huzooraa said:
“Tell them peace cannot be established in the world in this way. If we want to uphold peace in the world, we need to respect the sentiments of one another. If someone verbally abuses another’s parents a quarrel will break out, right? So, the Holy Prophetsa should be more beloved than our parents. That’s why say to them ‘I cannot be happy with you in this way, we will begin to fight in this way. Therefore, if we want peace and live in love and harmony, we need to live in respect.”
Huzooraa said to tell them that we, as Muslims respected all prophets including Mosesas and Jesusas. Therefore it was society’s duty to respect the sentiments of Muslims as well, otherwise, it will cause unrest in the world.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then referred to the previous question about women in heaven. Huzooraa read out the translation of verse 36 of Surah al-Ahzab to show how men and women were given equal rights in terms of reward and blessings in heaven. The verse reads:
“Surely, men who submit themselves [to God] and women who submit themselves [to Him], and believing men and believing women, and obedient men and obedient women, and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast [in their faith] and steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their chastity and women who guard their chastity, and men who remember Allah much and women who remember [Him]—Allah has prepared for [all of] them forgiveness and a great reward.”
Speaking to Iqra Sahiba who asked the question, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said these verses should be presented to those who said women were not given equal rights and rewards in heaven compared to men and there were many other verses of the Quran that could be given to prove this. Huzooraa asked Iqra Sahiba if she was satisfied with the answer to which she said she was.
Madiha Zaheer Tabasum Sahiba asked how she could improve her Islamic hijab in the Western environment and the age of social media.
Huzooraa asked Madiha Sahiba if she had any complex while wearing her headscarf and loose coat. To this Madiha, Sahiba said she did not. Huzooraa said, “You don’t, right? As you don’t have a complex, go out in this way and tell people that it is your tradition and a commandment of your religion as well that you hide your beauty.” In this way, perverted minds will not get the wrong message. Huzooraa said there were all types of people in society including many good people. However, Islam says that even a little danger should be avoided as this could grow. Huzooraa told Madiha Sahiba to openly tell people what Islamic teachings were regarding the Islamic hijab and that it was her religious duty to observe purdah.
Huzooraa guided Madiha Sahiba to tell people:
“No one is being harmed. I am the one wearing the clothes, the scarf, the hijab. Why would someone else have a problem with this?’ So, you should have this confidence – and openly, with confidence tell this to people. There is no need to be scared or fearful because it is through this way that we will spread and teach the true teachings of Islam to the world. And good-natured and moral people like this aspect [and say] ‘Yes, you people follow and act on the true teachings of Islam’.”
Huzooraa stressed Ahmadi Muslim women should develop confidence in themselves and pray Allah makes them a true Muslim.
Commenting on how to improve the Islamic hijab, Huzooraa said the Promised Messiahas had instructed the hijab should at least cover the forehead and the chin. In this way, the eyes and mouth would not be covered leaving room for easy breathing, etc.
On a lighter note, Huzooraa said the current circumstances meant everyone was observing something close to the Islamic hijab by wearing masks due to Covid-19 – therefore there should be no complex or problem at all with covering one’s face and mouth as it has become a habit, Huzooraa said with a smile. “So, if you go to the shops for a little while, cover a little more, what difference is there.” But if not, then women could cover their forehead around to their chin leaving the central area of the face uncovered but this was only for when there was no makeup applied.
Regarding anti-Muslim laws against Muslim women wearing the hijab in Europe, Huzooraa said Ahmadi women should write articles and publish them in newspapers giving arguments that would be convincing. For example, if people covered themselves – including their face – and wrapped up in the winter months to protect themselves from the cold, then what issue was there if Muslim women covered themselves. Huzooraa said if enough Ahmadi Muslim women wrote these articles, slowly, they would convince the world.
Talking about social media, Huzooraa told Madiha Sahiba to write in support of the hijab on social media too.
Asfa Atta-ul-Quddus Sahiba asked what areas needed to be focused on when trying to create a balance between religious and worldly life.
Huzooraa said:
“Always remember we are to fulfil the rights of Allah and namaz is to be offered on time.
“[…] Once someone asked the Promised Messiahas that ‘What things should I do and what should I avoid. What things are permissible religiously and what is not.’ The Promised Messiahas said:
‘Fear Allah and do everything’
“Whatever you are about to do, think whether Allah has instructed that action or would He get angry with it.”
In terms of studies, Huzooraa said students should focus on their studies, and after completing them and getting married, on taking care of the home was essential.
“You are to create a balance by serving faith and along with this while at home gain religious knowledge, focus on prayers, recite the Quran, try learning the meaning of the Holy Quran, try to acquire religious knowledge so that the girls who get married they can correctly raise their children and purify the atmosphere of their home. And if someone’s a student, then like I said fulfil the rights of being a student first and complete your studies. In general worldly affairs, I have said to pay attention to fearing Allah […] and see whether Allah will be happy with an action or not.”
At this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said the time had ended and he conveyed his salaam to all the Lajna members.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)