Lajna Ghana at new height of motivation after mulaqat


Nabeela Naeema Wahab, General Secretary, Lajna Imaillah Ghana

The national amila of Lajna Imaillah Ghana had the immense honour of a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa on 24 January 2021 and were particularly pleased that of the three auxiliary organisations in Ghana, the first virtual mulaqat was granted to Lajna Imaillah Ghana.

Amila members gathered at the Wahab Adam Studio in Bustan-e-Ahmad in Accra and MTA Ghana provided the video link to Huzoor’s office in Islamabad, UK.

41 out of 56 amila members were able to attend, alhamdulillah. All Covid-19 safety protocols were observed.

Even though it was a virtual mulaqat, it felt as though members were physically in the presence of beloved Huzooraa.

Muhasiba Mal, who was appointed as an amila member only a week before the mulaqat, stated that she had never met Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and it felt as though she was in his presence, physically.

She said that she felt very blessed to have had the opportunity to meet with beloved Huzooraa, interact with him and watch other amila members interact with him.

She was grateful and humbled by the opportunity afforded to her to serve in the amila and her luck at meeting Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa shortly after her appointment.

Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid stated that she felt as though she was meeting with beloved Huzooraa face to face and it was the first time in her life to speak with him. She stated that she was overwhelmed and most humbled.

Honourary member in-charge of Kumasi, Sefwi, Obuasi and Sekyere Zones also stated that she had served in different capacities as an amila member for about 20 years and alhamdulillah, had met beloved Huzooraa a few times; however, although the meeting was a virtual meeting, it felt as though she was in the physical presence of Huzooraa and she was overjoyed.

During the mulaqat, members introduced themselves to Huzooraa and informed him of the departments they were responsible for. Huzooraa asked meticulous questions and in so doing, he drew the attention of amila members to the areas of their departments they needed to concentrate more on to improve their work.

While describing how the meeting with Huzooraa would improve her work as a national amila member, the general secretary wrote that before the mulaqat, she looked forward to reporting to beloved Huzooraa on the improvements that had been made.

She was hoping to inform Huzooraa that alhamdulillah, 23 to 26 zones of the 27 zones in Ghana were submitting regular reports as compared to the 12 to 15 zones that were submitting reports in the 2018/19 Lajna year. She was looking forward to telling beloved Huzooraa that alhamdulillah, all amila members had been submitting departmental reports each month of this Lajna year as well.

However, after beloved Huzoor’s meticulous questions about the number of majalis in these zones that were submitting regular reports and after stating his expectations for Lajna in Ghana, she felt encouraged to work even harder with all amila members to increase work in all inactive majalis and have an even more improved report to submit to Huzooraa at the earliest possible time, insha-Allah.

Secretary tabligh also wrote that the expectations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa for Ghana encourages her to work harder to achieve more in tabligh.

Considering the number of jamaats, the world over, which Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa has to supervise, it was exceptional to observe Huzoor’s in-depth knowledge about the activities of all the departments, the tajnid and the way of life of the people in Ghana.

Naib secretary Nasirat wrote that after listening to Huzoor’s interaction with Secretary Nasirat and Huzoor’s questions about the tajnid of Nasirat in Ghana, she became very anxious that she would be asked a question about her department that she may not be able to answer satisfactorily.

Naib secretary tajnid, who was appointed to serve in the amila four months prior to the mulaqat, stated that she was excited at meeting Huzooraa for the first time in her life, but also pleasantly surprised at the in-depth knowledge Huzooraa had of all activities and the questions Huzooraa asked.

Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ghana also stated that she felt blessed. The interactions with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa were most kind and loving. This became manifest when Huzooraa asked the secretary ziafat what meals she had prepared for the amila members for lunch, after the mulaqat. It was a delight to hear Huzooraa mention some of the favourite Ghanaian dishes.

It was also kind of beloved Huzooraa to enquire about the welfare project or programmes planned for Lajna members in Ghana in his interactions with muavina sadr II in-charge of Khidmat-e-Khalq.

Alhamdulillah, the mulaqat was a most spiritually inspiring and blessed mulaqat.

An amila member who had served the Jamaat for over 25 years and was once national Lajna sadr, now an honourary member, stated that seeing Huzooraa rekindled her faith in Islam Ahmadiyyat.

Secretary Nasirat said that she felt spiritually inspired. Another amila member wrote that she felt special and blessed.

Secretary tabligh stated that she had never met Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa even though it had been her dream to meet and interact with him someday. She wrote that she felt blessed that one year after being afforded an opportunity to serve as an amila member, her dreams had materialised. She wrote that alhamdulillah, the meeting with beloved Huzooraa virtually was a blessed opportunity.

Secretary for new converts stated that it was a blessed opportunity and she hoped and prayed that despite beloved Huzoor’s very busy schedule, other sisters may derive blessings from such an opportunity too, insha-Allah.

Many other amila members had similar comments, alhamdulillah.

One amila member stated that having interacted with Huzooraa, her suggestion was that all efforts should now be made to engage other Lajna in Jamaat work to fulfil the expectations of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for Lajna in Ghana, as soon as possible. Almost all amila members wrote that the point which they liked the most was Hazrat Amirul Momineen’s advice and expectation that all members should offer their Salat five times a day, lead lives as good Muslims, bring up their children to become righteous and insha-Allah, Allah would then make Lajna in Ghana one of the best in the world.

Huzooraa said that once we do this, Allah would have mercy on us and answer our sincere prayers for world peace.

Alhamdulillah, Lajna Imaillah Ghana’s virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was a blessed one, an extremely uplifting experience and a most loving interaction, inspiring all amila members to do more.

It is our prayer that other sisters may be able to experience this, insha-Allah.

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  1. Maashaa Allah
    It is a blessing for Lajna Imaillah, and Ahmadiyyat in General.
    May Allah’s continuous Blessings be upon this Jamat


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