Lajna Imaillah Trinidad & Tobago start centennial celebrations

Adila Yacoob, Trinidad & Tobago

Lajna Imaillah Trinidad & Tobago inaugurated the centennial celebrations of Lajna Imaillah on 2 October 2022 at the national Jamaat headquarters.

The commemoration’s formal programme began with the recitation of the Holy Quran with English translation, followed by the Lajna pledge and a poem. Two speeches were delivered on the history and progress of Lajna Imaillah. The centennial celebration plan of activities for the year 2022-2023 was read and a copy was given to each attendee. 

A competition was held among the nasirat to design the centenary logo for Trinidad & Tobago. A special prize was awarded to the winner of the competition, whose entry was adopted for the celebrations and tokens were given to all the other participants.

Ibrahim Bin Yaqub Sahib, Amir and missionary-in-charge of Trinidad & Tobago and the Eastern Caribbean, delivered the concluding address. 

A booth was also set up for the Lajna members to participate such as writing their comments in the guest book provided and participating in a photo booth to remember this beautiful and auspicious occasion. The first programme of Lajna Imaillah centennial celebrations was successful and attended by more than 80 Lajna and Nasirat members.

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