Lecture about Islam at Universidad Anahuac


Amen Aqeel Haider

Mexico Correspondent

An opportunity arose in the state of Querétaro, Mexico to defend and demystify misconceptions about Islam. Imam Adnan Haider, along with his wife, was invited to a private Catholic university in Universidad Anahuac to give a lecture about Islam. 

The event was open to all students and a total of 65 students attended this lecture. A presentation about the basics of Islam was presented and a question and answer session followed, which lasted for almost two hours. 

For the majority of the students, this was the first time they were meeting a Muslim and hearing about Islam from a Muslim. The knowledge they had of Islam was from what they had seen on social media or had heard on news channels. Therefore, the questions ranged on a variety of topics. There were questions on women’s rights, terrorism, economic system, treatment of non-Muslims, hijab, among other subject-matters.

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Every question was answered with reference to the Holy Quran and it was made clear that the Quran is a timeless teaching and is applicable in any era in the past or the future. Everyone who attended was extremely happy to have listened to this lecture because many of their doubts and misconceptions about Islam had been cleared. 

At the end of the event, many students purchased Jamaat literature in Spanish, such as The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, Jesus in India, An Elementary Study of Islam and the Holy Quran. 

It was a great blessing of God that this opportunity arose in such a sensitive time for Muslims. Due to this event, many bonds of friendship were created and many barriers of hate and ignorance were broken. 

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