Rafi Ahmad Bhatti
Naib Sadr Majlis Ansarullah UK
By the Grace of Allah and the prayers of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, Majlis Ansarullah UK Annual Ijtema was held on 28, 29 and 30 September 2018 at the Kingsley Country Market in Bordon, Hampshire.
By the Grace of Allah and prayers of Huzooraa, this year’s Ijtema was very special as the Majlis have been fortunate to host Huzoor for the whole Ijtema. This opportunity has arisen after a break of almost 9 years for the Majlis and has been a unique, remarkable and blessed experience. Majlis Ansarullah were able to derive great benefit being in the presence of His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad for all three days of the Ijtema.
The theme of this year’s Ijtema was Remembrance of Allah.
The National Ijtema for Lajna Ima’illah UK was also being held on the same site simultaneously and only one week earlier, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, the youth organisation of the community, also used the same site for their national Ijtema.
Two days prior to the start of the Ijtema, over 135 Ansar worked tirelessly to set up the site.
Preparations for this Annual Ijtema started in earnest in July and Sadr Majlis Ansarullah had appointed Dr Mansoor Ahmed Saqi Sahib as the Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema. Mansoor Saqi Sahib proposed a team to Sadr Sahib of almost 70 members within an infrastructure of 8 Naib Nazimeen-e-Ala to Sadr Majlis for approval. Various full and departmental Ijtema committee meetings were held regularly.
On 28 September 2018, the 3-day event began with the Friday Sermon delivered by beloved Huzooraa. This was broadcast live via satellite on MTA International from the Baitul Futuh Mosque in Surrey to the Ijtema site.
Later in the afternoon, the Majlis Ansarullah UK Ijtema was formally inaugurated with the inaugural address by the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib.
The first session started with Maulana Rana Mashood Ahmad Sahib delivering a speech on Zikr-e-Habib and concluding with a silent prayer.
The second day started with Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, followed by Dars. A continental breakfast and channa nan were served.
The session started with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by academics and sports competitions. Many Ansar brothers participated with enthusiasm.
After Zuhr and Asr prayers on Saturday, Huzooraa performed the Flag Hoisting ceremony at the Ijtema site along with a congregational silent prayer.
During the third session, Faheem Anwer Sahib, Naib Sadr Saf-e-Dom, delivered an address on Sacrificing Time and Wealth in the Way of Allah followed by an Urdu speech by Sir Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz sahib. A tabligh presentation of Ansar experiences in tabligh hosted by Mr Shakil Butt, Qaid Tabligh, followed.
The fourth session began at around 5pm with speeches by Maulana Fazalur Rehman Sahib, Qaid Tarbiyyat, on Giving Precedence to Faith over Worldly Matters followed by a speech in English by Imam Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib. Mubarik Siddiqi Sahib shared poetic couplets and some inspirational thoughts and events relating to Khilafat. The session ended with Maghrib and Isha prayers led by Huzooraa.
The fifth session began on Sunday at 10:30am and included some presentations and speeches concurrently held with Team Quiz and Sports Finals matches. The speeches included a talk by Abid Khan Sahib, International Press and Media Secretary. He informed the gathering of personal observations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on tours. He highlighted that Huzooraa makes no decisions, however small, without seeking Allah’s guidance through prayers.
Then, Dr Imran Malik, Consultant, alerted Ansar brothers on the increased risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease in persons from South Asia and advised on NHS health checks and exercising for prevention.
In the fifth session, a presentation was given on charity walks for peace highlighting the 33 years of walks, helping 364 charities in total, distributing £4.2 million and not spending a penny on administration. The presentation also included an update by Sadr Majlis Ansarullah who had recently travelled to Africa regarding the building of the Masroor Institute of Ophthalmology in West Africa.
This was followed with the distribution of prizes for second and third positions, presented by Imam Sahib. The Ijtema Address was then delivered by Sadr Ansarullah, Dr Chaudhry Ijaz Ur Rehman Sahib. He emphasised that more funds were needed to complete the building of the Cardiff Mosque. This session ended at midday.
His Holiness addressed the Lajna ImaiIllah Ijtema which was relayed live from the Lajna Ijtema Gah to Ansar Ijtema Gah. After Huzooraa led the members in silent prayer, the lunch break took place.
At 3pm Huzooraa arrived for the final session. After Zuhr and Asr prayers, Huzooraa graciously chaired the concluding session.
After recitation of the Holy Quran, Huzooraa led the members in the pledge, this was followed by Nazm.
Huzooraa then presented prizes to competition winners of the various sporting and academic challenges. The award for the highest achieving Majlis in the UK, the Alam-e-Inami, was awarded to Mosque Majlis and the Best Region was awarded to Noor Region.
In his address, Huzooraa reminded Ansar members about his address to Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya during the previous week about becoming regular in congregational Salat and said it was even more imperative for Ansar and it was not just a single year target but for all their lives. Jalsas and Ijtemas are methods to give more opportunities for congregational prayers. Huzooraa explained that we should offer prayers regularly whatever else may happen in our lives.
Huzooraa concluded his address at the Ijtema praying for the members of the community, that they may attain their rights of worship and praying to God Almighty and develop their relationships with God, and that we may become good role models for our children and for the future generations. Huzoor then led a congregational silent prayer.
By the grace of Allah, the total attendance was 3,913 which is 1,228 more than last year.