Jariullah Ahmad
Malaysia Correspondent

The Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Malaysia successfully held their 30th Majlis-e-Shura between 26 and 28 April 2019.
The Shura was attended by 101 Shura representatives from members of the national amila, 25 locals throughout Malaysia, 9 from tanzeem, 2 special invitees and 4 observers.
The programme started with a tabligh and tarbiyat seminar with discussions and interaction between all Shura members regarding strategies for tabligh and tarbiyat for the Jamaat of Malaysia facing the current situation.
The Shura started on 27 April, with the opening speech by National President of Jamaat Malaysia Mr Saripudin Bujing.
Alhamdolillah, the process of Shura discussions were conducted smoothly in the mal (finance), tabligh and tarbiyat committee.
This year, the election of the national majlis-e-amila was also held. Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, appointed the Missionary In-charge Ainul Yaqeen Sahib as chairman for the election. The process of election was successfully conducted.
The final session of the Shura on 28 April included a speech by the missionary in-charge, where he reminded all Shura members of their obligations as Ahmadi Muslims. Thereafter, the closing speech was delivered followed by silent prayer by the National President Mr Saripudin Bujing.