Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta had the opportunity to visit different homes, centres and charitable institutes to share greetings and gifts and to show its solidarity and friendship during the month of December.
On 8 December 2021, the Jamaat visited a charitable home, Angela House, which provides shelter to young children, who come from difficult backgrounds, are in need of financial and moral and educational support. On 10 December, the Jamaat visited the Rainbow Ward–Puttinu Cares, a children’s cancer support group that offers a holistic approach to care for families with children suffering from cancer.
Jamaat Malta was also pleased to once again present a number of festive panettone cakes to Nanniet Malta, an NGO representing local grandparents and the elderly. These were presented to Philip Michael Chircop, founder and president of Nanniet Malta to spread the holiday cheer.
Jamaat Malta visited Tal-Ibwar–Caritas Malta, a newly opened therapeutic centre for adolescents and presented them with gifts and a coffee machine. During this visit, we met with the Director of Caritas Malta, Mr Anthony Gatt, Clinical Coordinator of Ibwar, Dr Daniel Mercieca, and other officials, who thanked the Jamaat for its continued support and friendship. Later on, we received a very encouraging message from the coordinator which stated:
“First of all, allow me to express my gratitude for your kind gesture. It means a lot to us and will definitely help our clients know and feel that they are indeed valuable and worthy of care. We thoroughly enjoyed your visit and wish to thank you and your community for your generosity. I am sure that your gifts will help persons within our communities to celebrate life whilst feeling seen and valued […] We are also very grateful for your offer to future collaboration for the benefit of the youths in our community.”

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta also had an opportunity to visit another rehab centre Sedqa–Komunita’ Santa Marija, and presented some 100 cakes and a coffee machine for the residents who are going through the rehabilitation programme. The Operations Director sent the following heartening message to Jamaat:
“First of all, we’d like to show our appreciation for yet another noble gesture from your community. Your kind donation will definitely assist and bring a smile to a lot of clients who are currently going through a rough time. Your kind donations are very welcome. May I also thank you for the thoughts you’ve shared with our residents; you truly showed a profound insight into the social field in which we deliver our services.”
The CEO of this institution wrote:
“I want to, once more, thank you and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta for being so thoughtful and generous with the vulnerable people we work with on a daily basis. Your practical solidarity is highly appreciated. I look forward to extending this cooperation and wish you a healthy, happy, prosperous new year.”
During the above mentioned two visits, we had the opportunity to meet the residents, and to share some thoughts with them that will be helpful for them to complete the rehabilitation programme successfully with a positive outcome.
The missionary of Jamaat Malta highlighted the purpose of the visit and what Islam Ahmadiyyat stood for.