Khuddam from MKA USA East Region meet Huzoor at Islamabad

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On Saturday, 15 June 2024, a delegation of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya from the USA’s East Region was blessed with the opportunity for an in-person mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, at Islamabad, Tilford, UK.

Upon his arrival in the MTA studio, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa greeted everyone with salaam. This was followed by a personalised introduction from each khadim, allowing them to share their names, family backgrounds, and current engagements, including their Jamaat duties and their professional or academic pursuits. Throughout the mulaqat, the khuddam also asked questions and received guidance from beloved Huzooraa.

Zohan Ahmad Sahib was the first to introduce himself. He introduced himself as the local qaid of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Willingboro, New Jersey, and shared his professional background as an estate agent. He recounted his roots, mentioning he was born in Pakistan before moving to the United States in 2004.

Huzooraa asked, “How many khuddam are in your local majlis?” Zohan Sahib replied that they have 85 members.

Discussing the purpose of their visit, Zohan Sahib expressed, “We came to pray behind Huzooraa.” Huzooraa smiled and asked, “And to enjoy Islamabad?” Zohan Sahib added, “Yes, and to experience Khilafat first-hand.”

As the conversation continued, Huzooraa asked, when the delegation was going back, to which Zohan Sahib mentioned their departure was scheduled for the 23rd, after Eid. 

Huzooraa kindly noted the khuddam’s good fortune in receiving his time, especially close to Eid, a period during which he is typically extremely busy and less available for such mulaqats.

Next, Safeer Ahmad Sahib stood up and introduced himself. He then asked a question about the roles of various Muslim factions who were involved in the current conflict in the Holy Land.

Huzooraa noted that such groups are often products of larger geopolitical strategies and might not necessarily serve the interests of Muslims. Huzooraa emphasised the limited effectiveness of such groups against major powers and the importance of unity among Muslim nations, saying that unless all 54 Muslim countries unite, these small groups can’t do anything. Huzooraa advised continued prayers for unity and wisdom among Muslim leaders and highlighted the complexity of the situation.

Aqib Hadi Sahib introduced himself next during the mulaqat. Aqib Sahib also said they wanted to visit Huzooraa and pray behind him. Huzooraa smiled and remarked that they had left their families behind during Eid to come and visit him.

Farhan Ahmad Sahib was the next to introduce himself. When Huzooraa enquired about his involvement in the Jamaat, Farhan Sahib mentioned that he had served as the local muhasib. He also shared that his granduncle was Muzaffar Ahmad Shaheed of the USA.

Next, Nameer Bhatti Sahib, hailing from Philadelphia, introduced himself and shared details about his family background. He said he is the grandson of Abdul Sami Bhatti Sahib of Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan.

Taseer Bhatti Sahib, aged 34, also from Philadelphia, introduced himself and mentioned that he is the younger brother of Nameer Bhatti Sahib. 

Next, Taseer Bhatti Sahib informed Huzooraa that he was born in Maryland, USA. He has a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a master’s degree in biomedical sciences. Currently, under the guidance of Huzooraa, Taseer Sahib is exploring career opportunities in the public health field.

Huzooraa advised him to take care of his family and strive to be a substantial provider, emphasising the importance of familial responsibilities.

Next, Ahmad Bajwa Sahib shared his background during the mulaqat, mentioning that his grandfather was the brother of Atiq Ahmad Bajwa Sahib, a martyr from Vehari, Pakistan. Ahmad Sahib was born in Pakistan and moved to the United States in 2015.

At 23 years old, Ahmad Sahib is pursuing a degree in computer science. He is currently completing his bachelor’s programme and has plans to advance to a master’s degree in the same field. Alongside his studies, Ahmad Sahib has embarked on an entrepreneurial venture in real estate.

Ahmad Sahib enquired about beloved Huzoor’saa health, noting that Huzooraa had recently undergone a medical procedure.

Next, Abdul Mujeeb Othman, aged 25, originally from Nigeria, shared details about his heritage and current life in the United States. Huzooraa asked if he was from the Yoruba tribe, to which he replied in the affirmative. He added that he moved to the US in 2015 and works as a registered nurse at a hospital and also serves in the US Army.

Abdul Mujeeb Sahib expressed his concerns to Huzooraa about serving in the army during current global conflicts, recognising the moral dilemmas that could arise. Huzooraa advised him to consider joining the medical corps within the army instead, which would align more closely with his nursing skills and potentially keep him away from direct involvement in any cruelty, focusing instead on humanitarian aspects of military service. Nevertheless, Huzooraa emphasised that as long as one was employed by the army, one would have to obey orders, regardless. A soldier does not have the option to excuse himself at the time of combat; therefore, it is wise to align one’s work as suggested or leave the army beforehand.

Next, Armaghan Mirza Sahib, aged 24, from Central Jersey Jamaat, introduced himself. He said he was a great-grandson of Hazrat Mian Nur Muhammadra of Pir Kot.

Referring to the “Four Days without a Shepherd” MTA documentary, Armaghan Sahib asked Huzooraa if he had had any indication from Allah or premonition regarding his being elected as the Khalifa before the election. 

Huzooraa replied: 

“I didn’t receive anything, even till the last moment. I was just embarrassed that I had been elected as Khalifa and you could see it in my face at that time. It was quite embarrassing for me.” 

Armaghan Sahib then mentioned that he currently serves at the local and regional levels within the Jamaat, including in the Tabligh Department and that there are about 415 da’i il-Allah (preachers) in the United States and requested prayers for them. In response, Huzooraa smiled and said, “You should increase the number of your da’i il-Allah to 4000 instead of 400.” 

Additionally, Armaghan Sahib shared his personal feelings about his current job at a bank, mentioning a sense of unfulfillment and a strong desire to contribute more significantly to the Jamaat. 

Huzooraa advised that whenever he has time during the week or over the weekends, he should dedicate it to Jamaat activities. He emphasised that, particularly for those serving as Secretary Tabligh or as part of the tabligh team, greater efforts towards tabligh should be made. Huzooraa suggested setting a target of 10 new converts each year.

Next to introduce himself was Oshaz Bajwa Sahib. He shared his family background and conveyed greetings from his family. He informed Huzooraa of the various departments in the Jamaat he serves, upon which Huzooraa humorously commented, “I don’t think that there is a shortage of people in America; every post has been given to you.” 

He also asked a question regarding the meaning of being part of the “Noah’s Ark”, mentioned by the Promised Messiahas.  

Huzooraa stressed that salvation is conditional upon one’s sincerity, love for Allah, and adherence to His commands as outlined in the Holy Quran. He highlighted the following couplet from the writings of the Promised Messiahas that stresses salvation for those who genuinely love Allah:

آگ‭ ‬ہے‭ ‬پر‭ ‬آگ‭ ‬سے‭ ‬وہ‭ ‬سب‭ ‬بچائے‭ ‬جائیں‭ ‬گے

جو‭ ‬كہ‭ ‬ركھتے‭ ‬ہىں‭ ‬خدائے‭ ‬ذوالعجائب‭ ‬سے‭ ‬پیار

“There is a fire, but all those shall be saved from this fire who possess love for the God of Great Wonders.”

Huzooraa said: “You have to judge yourself; do you have that in-depth love for Allah Ta‘ala in your heart? All those who do, they will be saved. So, discharge the duties you owe to Allah Ta‘ala and discharge the duties you owe to your fellow beings. Then you will be saved, Insha-Allah.”

Oshaz Sahib requested prayers for the well-being and spiritual strength of the Ahmadi youth of America. Huzooraa prayed:

“Allah Ta‘ala bless you. Allah Ta‘ala bless your Jamaat., bless your khuddam and make them sincere in their faith and make them strong and staunch Ahmadis.” Amin.

Next, Tasleem Muzaffar Sahib introduced himself as a member of the Harrisburg Jamaat. He shared his extensive academic journey, which includes a master’s degree from Germany, a PhD from Canada in Artificial Intelligence, and his current role as a senior data analyst in the USA. Additionally, he said, he also volunteers with the Ahmadiyya Lawyers’ Association among other roles. 

Tasleem Sahib asked a question regarding the ethical implications of actions that, despite good intentions, might result in unintended harm to others. He expressed concern about how to reconcile the sincerity of one’s intentions with the adverse outcomes that might befall others.

Huzooraa responded by referencing a hadith of the Holy Prophetsa, emphasising that actions are judged by intentions. He reassured Tasleem Sahib that if one’s intentions are genuinely good and the actions are not intentionally harmful, Allah will recognise the sincerity and overlook any unintentional mistakes. “In whatever you do, always remember that Allah is watching you, and if you have the fear of Allah in your heart when doing something, then there is no need to fear anybody else,” Huzooraa said. 

Umar Kamal introduced himself as a member of the Harrisburg Jamaat, currently studying cybersecurity at Penn State University. 

Umar Sahib sought advice on how to navigate the challenges and temptations common in college environments, such as exposure to drugs, alcohol, social pressures, etc. He expressed concern about maintaining his moral and spiritual integrity amidst such influences.

Huzooraa emphasised the importance of actively distancing oneself from such negative influences. He advised Umar Sahib to turn away from such situations and to engage in frequent prayers and recitations of istighfar (seeking forgiveness) to strengthen his resolve. Huzooraa said: 

“Allah Ta‘ala says: 

ہُمۡ‭ ‬عَنِ‭ ‬اللَّغۡوِ‭ ‬مُعۡرِضُوۡنَ

“[‘They shun all that which is vain.’ (Surha al-Mu’minun, Ch.23: V.4)]

“When you see all this nonsense, turn your face from them and turn the other way; this is how you can save yourself. 

“Recite the following repeatedly:

أَعُوذُ‭ ‬بِاللّٰهِ‭ ‬مِنَ‭ ‬الشَّيطَانِ‭ ‬الرَّجِيمِ

“[‘I seek refuge with Allah, from Satan, the accursed.’]

“Also recite: 

أَسْتَغْفِرُ‭ ‬اللّٰهَ‭ ‬رَبِّيْ‭ ‬مِنْ‭ ‬كُلِّ‭ ‬ذَنْبٍ‭ ‬وَّأَتُوْبُ‭ ‬إِلَيْهِ

“[‘I beg pardon from Allah, my Lord, for all my sins, and turn to Him.’]

“Moreover, offer your five daily prayers and pray to Allah that he saves you from all those bad things; the evils of society.”

Huzooraa likened the struggle against temptation to a wrestling match between one’s faith and Satan, underscoring the need to be resolute and determined to uphold one’s values.

Next, Taha Ahmad Sahib, a member of the Willingboro Jamaat, shared that he is currently in his second year at university studying computer science. 

Taha Sahib raised a concern regarding the role of fathers in the upbringing of children, specifically noting that fathers often have a laid-back attitude, leaving the burden of children’s moral and educational development on mothers. He highlighted the challenges this poses, especially as boys grow older and may not listen as attentively to their mothers.

Huzooraa addressed the issue by emphasising the critical role of fathers in actively participating in their sons’ upbringing. He noted the importance of Jamaat support structures, such as Atfalul Ahmadiyya and Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, in providing positive influences and mentorship for such boys. Huzooraa suggested that the auxiliaries should identify well-trained youths of similar ages to foster friendships that enhance the other boys’ connections to Jamaat activities and values. “Also, ask the fathers that they should also bear the responsibility and give attention to their children,” Huzooraa said. 

Huzooraa also called on the broader Jamaat structures, including Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya, Majlis Ansarullah and Lajna Imaillah, to collaborate in supporting mothers and engaging fathers in their children’s lives. He stressed that while the challenge is significant, concerted effort and commitment from both parents and Jamaat are essential for the effective moral training of the next generation.

“Help the mothers. Ask the mothers what type of help they need from you and then extend that help to them,” Huzooraa said.

Finally, Zeeshan Zafar, aged 21, raised a concern about khuddam who relocate for studies or other reasons, asking how they can maintain their connection with the Jamaat.

Huzooraa emphasised the importance of a robust support system within the Jamaat to ensure that young members remain engaged and connected when they move to new locations. He advised that the local Jamaat structures should be proactive and welcoming, immediately integrating newcomers into their activities. The Jamaat’s administrative system should swiftly integrate relocating members to keep them engaged. The role of the Secretary Tarbiyat and Nazim Tarbiyat is crucial in reaching out to new arrivals to make them feel included. Individual Ahmadis should also take the personal initiative to connect with the local Jamaat when they move. The Jamaat should act quickly to integrate relocating members to prevent them from drifting away or being influenced by external, potentially negative, influences.

The mulaqat concluded with a group photo and Huzooraa graciously distributing pens among the khuddam. In the end, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam, bringing the session to a close.

(Prepared by Al Hakam)

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