Shahzad Malik, Ireland Correspondent
Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ireland, Sajida Aleem Sahiba, reports that Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya Ireland held an online workshop on 29 November 2020. The workshop covered topics related to both talim and tarbiyat. The programme focused on Tartil-ul-Quran, blessings of Khilafat and learning Urdu.
Due to the current pandemic situation, it was decided to hold this online event to bring Nasirat together from all over the country for a formal, yet fun workshop.
Nasirat were taught about the need, purpose and blessings of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, how to form and maintain their relationship with the Imam of the time as well as the responsibilities of an Ahmadi Muslim.
The Nasirat learned about the meaning and importance of Bai‘at. Selected clips from Hazrat Amirul Momineen’saa various classes with Nasirat, were presented.
Nasirat were taken through a refresher course on the Arabic alphabets as well as the rules of Tartil-ul-Quran. This was done by way of an interactive session in which Nasirat were invited to name the letter and the rules.
This was followed by a fun and interactive “Urdu Time” section in which Nasirat learned about the Urdu alphabets, how to recognise them and the sounds they make.
During the lockdown period, Nasirat had been given the task to carry out certain talim and tarbiyat activities and then to present those activities as a chart to their local secretaries.
During the workshop, there was also an online exhibition of art created by Nasirat on the previously given topic of “Beauty of Allah’s creation” and had the opportunity to share their work.
As the workshop came to a close, concluding remarks were delivered by the National Sadr Lajna, Sajida Aleem Sahiba, in which she encouraged mothers to continue ensuring that their daughters attended such programmes.
She stressed the importance of consciously helping our children to understand the importance of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, Bai‘at and our responsibilities as Ahmadi Muslims. She then led the attendees in silent prayer.
Alhamdolillah, the workshop was attended by 91% of Ireland’s Nasirat.
Feedback from the event was very positive with Nasirat very much enjoying the proceedings and their participation. They also enjoyed being able to come together, albeit virtually, for the first time in many months.
May Allah enable Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya Ireland to follow the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, to be true Ahmadi Muslims. Amin