Hamda Soosn Chaudhry, Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany
On 14 November 2021, 535 Nasirat aged 13 and 14 from all over Germany were granted the blessed opportunity of a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany and national secretary Nasirat were also present at this blessed occasion.
The mulaqat took place in Mannheim (Maimarkt Gelände). The 535 participants were from 200 different majalis. 388 of them travelled by coaches to this blessed mulaqat.

During the last few months, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, nasirat were not able to enjoy Jamaat gatherings. It wasn’t just joyous for the nasirat to gather after a long time, but even more blessed was their mulaqat with beloved Huzooraa.
Alhamdulillah, beloved Huzooraa graciously approved our request for a virtual mulaqat and the preparations for this blessed event started in September.
Upon receiving the good news, nasirat and their parents were very excited and happy. A team of sixty Lajna members planned and organised for the comfort of all nasirat in detail with care and love.
After the mulaqat, the nasirat were overwhelmed and most grateful to Allah the Almighty for being granted this blessed and inspiring opportunity and were empowered by the loving words and gracious advice by Huzooraa and felt an even stronger bond with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, alhamdulillah.
Below are some impressions from the nasirat:
Hajra from Heusenstamm said:
“I was excited about the mulaqat with Huzooraa. It was really good.”
Musfira Nasir from Aziz Moschee said:
“When the mulaqat was coming to an end, I felt sad. But I now feel lucky to have been here. It was really nice to finally see Huzooraa after such a long time and all the nasirat also got to meet one another.”
Sameen Mirza from Viernheim commented:
“For me, the mulaqat ended too quickly. I did not realise it had been an hour already. Just the thought of having seen Huzooraa made me extremely happy. I am very happy, even though I didn’t ask any question. Just being here was enough for me. It made me really happy the way Huzooraa smiled at each question and answered with love and detail.”
Maria from Aziz Moschee commented:
“The mulaqat was great and the organisation was exceptional.”
Attia-tul-Heyy from Pinneberg said:
“It was a great feeling to see Huzooraa so closely. I felt very lucky. Today, as a whole, it is a cherished memory for me.”
Sabeeka Amir from Koblenz Moschee commented:
“I felt honoured to have seen Huzooraa after such a long time. Every time Huzooraa smiled, I smiled too. Today was a joyous occasion and exciting. I am looking forward to having this opportunity again.”
Samea Nadeem from Hanau said:
“I was very glad to have got this opportunity to see Huzooraa live, not just through the TV on Friday sermons but in real. Additionally, I feel fortunate to have been able to see Huzooraa for one whole hour. The most memorable thing for me were Huzoor’s wise words.”
Maryam Abid Ahmad from Gross-Gerau Ost commented:
“Everything that Huzooraa said will be a special memory for me.”
Hafsah Ghaffar from Hanau said:
“During the mulaqat, I was very nervous, but it was great seeing Huzooraa for one full hour, seeing Huzoor’s smile and his subtle jokes and remarks that he makes sometimes. Huzoor’s smile will definitely be my special memory, as well as the tips he gave us to become closer to God.”
Maha Ahmad from Hanau said:
“It was joyous and felt good being able to communicate with Huzooraa live. It made me really happy and I will remember everything as a special memory.”
Amayla Sajjad said:
“Well, I was very excited and the whole time, I imagined what it would be like if Huzooraa was here in real (not through the screen). We felt extremely blessed to get our questions answered by Huzooraa. I will always remember the loving answers Huzooraa gave to our questions.”
Nida Muzaffar from Hessen commented:
“I am very happy and look forward to the next mulaqat with Huzooraa. Being able to see beloved Huzooraa made me very happy.”
Rabea Kahlen from Flörsheim said:
“It was extremely pleasant. I was super excited, everything was so easy to understand. Receiving answers from Huzooraa made me happy and the wonderful words of Huzooraa will stay with me for as long as I live.”
Afia Masood from Koblenz said:
“I am relieved that everything went smoothly. I pray that the coronavirus crisis comes to an end soon so we can see Huzooraa in real life too. Amin. The most exciting thing for me was that I was able to ask Huzooraa a question.”
Aliha Kamal from Koblenz commented:
“I was happy about the mulaqat, about seeing Huzooraa and upon hearing the insightful answers.”
Atial-tul-Kayoom Ahmed from Rheinland-Pfalz said:
“I found the mulaqat really joyful. It was great to see Huzooraa. I am grateful that I was able to ask Huzooraa a question. I hope we can have another virtual mulaqat or even a live mulaqat with Huzooraa when coronavirus is over. The whole mulaqat is a special memory for me; the way it was carried out and so perfectly organised.”
Atiya Iqbal from Limburg said:
“I was excited that after two years, we got to see Huzooraa live. After the mulaqat, when Huzooraa bade farewell, I was sad. A special memory for me is that Huzooraa gave us extra time.”
Amatul Waraich from Hanau commented:
“Masha-Allah, it was a beautiful mulaqat. It was wonderful that Huzooraa spared us his time. I am happy that I was allowed to be part of the mulaqat. The beautiful atmosphere amongst the nasirat was special for me.”
Hania T from Heusenstamm said:
“I was most excited about being able to see Huzooraa and listen to the others ask their questions.”
Shafia from Langenselbold said:
“It was a wonderful mulaqat; everything went well. I am glad that I took part and the question and answer session was the most enjoyable for me.”
Islawa Q from Wiesbaden Ost commented:
“The mulaqat with Huzooraa felt surreal. It was so exciting to see and hear Huzooraa. I will remember how Huzooraa guided us to do more important things and not focus on the unimportant things.”
Sofia Arif from Flörsheim said:
“It was exciting and I was pleased to see Huzooraa.”
Hiba Shahid from Mannheim Ost said:
“When Huzooraa said ‘Khuda Hafiz’, I was sad and happy at the same time. I was sad because Huzooraa had to leave, but I was happy that I was able to see him at least. It was special to me that Huzooraa gave us time and answered our questions.”
Tina Ahmad from Koblenz said:
“I can’t express how I feel. It was amazing that Huzooraa gave us time and that we got to see Huzooraa again.”
Ishna Khan said:
“I was extremely nervous when I found out that Huzooraa will appear on the screen shortly. Once Huzooraa was on the screen, I was pleased. It was amazing being able to see Huzooraa. I am so grateful that we had this opportunity. The mulaqat was special to me. It was well-organised.”
Areeba from Osnabrück commented:
“It was a very exciting day; we were all excited. We were allowed to ask questions. Huzoor’s answers were simple and easy to understand. I found that the time passed very quickly.”
National Secretary Nasirat, Jasmin Khokhar Sahiba said:
“Alhamdulillah, the nasirat of ma‘yar-e-awal had the great blessing of this virtual mulaqat. The spiritual atmosphere was felt by every attendee and Huzoor’s words of wisdom and love will forever be in our hearts and minds, insha-Allah. Questions of everyday matters in this society that occur to the nasirat were answered in such a beautiful way that the nasirat could easily understand them.
“May Allah bless our beloved Khalifa and may all nasirat take the true benefit of this blessed opportunity with them and draw from it the strength and confidence to give precedence to their religion over the world. Amin.”
Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany said:
“Alhamdulillah, it is indeed the grace of Allah the Almighty that we have been bestowed with these blessed moments. We are all very grateful to Huzooraa that he graciously granted us so much of his precious time. Our hearts were overwhelmed and we felt deeply humbled and honoured to have had the blessed opportunity to watch Huzooraa speak to us live and advise us with so much love and kindness.
“May Allah grant Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa a very long and healthy life and may we, the humble members of Lajna Imaillah and Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya of Germany, always remain loyal and obedient to the institution of Khilafat. Amin.”