Arshad Mehmood Khan, Scotland Correspondent
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Glasgow North and South organised their combined event of New Year’s dinner on the topic of “Mental Well-Being and Role of Religion”, on 15 January 2023. The event was attended by more than 65 participants at the mosque and was promoted and listened to on social media as well.
The event started with a recitation from the Holy Quran and its English translation.
An introduction video was played canvassing some of the efforts made by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa to convey the peaceful message of Islam Ahmadiyyat around the world. The video also had glimpses of the local activities of the Scotland Jamaat, like charitable and other humanitarian services, a visit by the First Minister of Scotland to our mosque, etc.
Rt. Hon. Kirsten Oswald, MP for East Renfrewshire, expressed her appreciation to members of the Jamaat for their wonderful contributions to the community.
Rt. Hon. Paul Sweeney, member of the Scottish Parliament for the Glasgow region, pledged to raise his voice on every political platform in favour of those who are affected by any mental health problem, especially during the Covid-19 period.
Colette McDiarmid, Provost Office, East Dunbartonshire, said:
“It is vital to play our role in making Scottish society vibrant and peaceful like your community is doing. I would like to convey a warm happy new year message from the Provost of East Dunbartonshire, who could not attend today’s event.”
Founder of the charity Time & Space, Elain Weir, spoke about the projects that their charity is doing and how she is looking forward to collaborating with Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Glasgow.
A comprehensive address in the light of the Islamic perspective on “Mental Well-being and the Role of Religion” was delivered by Humayun Jahangeer Khan Sahib, the missionary in Glasgow. He mentioned a detailed meaning of mental well-being published by the World Health Organisation and how Islam presents the solutions to the issue in the Holy Quran and in the form of the sunnah i.e. the practice of the Holy Prophet Muhamamdsa. Dr Abdul Hayee Sahib, the regional amir of Scotland region, shed more light on the topic as a practising medical professional.
A question-and-answer session was held, where guests showed great interest and asked many questions about the topic. A vote of thanks was given by Linda Fabiani, former deputy presiding officer in the Scottish parliament. The event ended with a silent prayer led by Humayun Jahangeer Khan Sahib.