Dr Qasim Akinreti, Coordinator MTA Nigeria Studios
On 20 February 2021, the national amila of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Nigeria had the blessed opportunity of a virtual meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Nigeria, having watched various online meetings of Huzooraa with other members across the world in the last few months, wrote a letter to Huzooraa for an online meeting, which Huzooraa graciously approved, alhamdulillah.

Accordingly, a 10-member team was set up by the amir under the leadership of naib amir administration and finance. Members of the team were drawn from the MTA Nigeria studios, the national audio and video department and the Jalsa Planning Committee. Dr Qasim Akinreti, Coordinator MTA International Nigeria studios was made the team leader of the technical team.
The feedback and impressions of participants of this meeting are as following:
Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, Amir Jamaat Nigeria, said:
“The session was full of guidance on committees that need to be formed for talim and tarbiyat of students and members. Huzooraa made the session very lively and pleasant.”
Afzaal Ahmad Rauf, Missionary-in-Charge, said:
“Alhamdulillah, it was a great feeling seeing our beloved Huzooraa in front of us.”
Tajudeen Onabanjo, Naib Amir Talim and Tarbiyat, said:
“We need to work on getting our numbers correct and consistent. May the Almighty Allah assist us.”
Abbas O Iromini, General Secretary, said:
“This mulaqat was a very thrilling experience, faith-inspiring and I found Huzooraa very inspiring.”
Imran Adeyemi, Secretary Sami-o-Basri, said:
“It was a wonderful experience having a mulaqat with Huzooraa.”
Alhaji Dada Muddaththir, Secretary Ishaat, said:
“The meeting with Huzooraa brought me great pleasure and also an urge to offer more sacrifices and to serve more. May Almighty Allah bless this mulaqat and make it a source of blessings for us. Amin.”
Yusuf Hussein King, Internal Auditor, said:
“The mulaqat was highly inspiring. Talking to our beloved Huzooraa in person would have cost nothing less than 300,000 nairas, bearing in mind travelling to London to have a mulaqat, but we got it on a platter of gold. I wish we could have this mulaqat every three months.”
Abdur Razzaq Atoki Olusegun, a missionary serving in Jamiatul Mubashireen, said:
“The programme was a very blessed one and it was my first time having a conversation live with Huzooraa.
Adeoye Abdul Waheed Akanji, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, said:
“What a spiritual gathering with a sort of elevation for the Nigerian Jamaat. I hope that we can improve to the next elevation in all our course.”
Naseem Ahmed Butt, a missioanary, said:
“Alhamdulillah, it was a blessed meeting with the blessings of Allah. May Allah bless us again. Amin.”
Bello Mubarak, a missionary, said:
“Alhamdulillah, it was a wonderful, spiritual and inspiring moment with our beloved Imamaa. The meeting was such an inspiring one that the blessed personality of our beloved Imamaa lightened up my mind, both spiritually and mentally. If there is anything to take away from this auspicious meeting, it can only be to work effortlessly in the task entrusted to me so that the Jamaat at large can meet the targets set for us by our beloved Huzooraa. May Allah enable us to do so. Amin.”
Akere Abdul Hafeez, a missionary, said:
“Huzooraa speaks so eloquently and has a charming composure. He is a loving father. His advises are guidelines on different aspect and they are so useful. May Allah continue to help him, amin.”