Online National Tarbiyat Seminar Lajna Imaillah Ireland

Shahzad Malik, Ireland Correspondent

Tayyaba Mashood Sahiba, Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ireland, reports that on 6 March 2022, an online tarbiyat seminar was held, which focused on the importance of Khilafat and the reformation of oneself.

Due to the current pandemic and therefore the impossibility of holding any in-person events, it was decided to hold this online event to bring Lajna and Nasirat together from all over the country for a faith-inspiring seminar.

The proceedings began with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and a speech on self-reformation. After this, a clip consisting of some excerpts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was presented. This was followed by another poem and a presentation on the topic of “Obedience to Khilafat in our daily lives”.

The concluding address was delivered by Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ireland, in which she reminded everyone about the importance of obedience to Allah and Khilafat. 

The event concluded with a silent prayer led by Sadr Sahiba.

Alhamdulillah, the seminar was attended by 57% of the Lajna members and 91% of nasirat. Feedback from the event was very positive with all Lajna members and nasirat very much enjoying the proceedings and their participation. They also very much enjoyed that they were all able to come together albeit virtually. 

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