Ramadan: A call to reconnect with Quran


“What went wrong?” This question stirs a profound contemplation on the past grandeur of Islamic civilization – a beacon of enlightenment that not only guided the Muslim world but also shared its rich trove of knowledge in science, mathematics, and philosophy with the West. The urgency to unravel this mystery intensifies, especially considering the current adversities faced by Muslims globally, exemplified by the catastrophe in Gaza. Among the myriad factors contributing to the decline from this golden age, the disconnect from the Holy Quran and its teachings emerges as a pivotal issue.

However, instead of reconnecting to the Quran and its teachings, we see certain Arab countries, in their quest for “modernization, prosperity, and progress,” embracing changes that diverge significantly from traditional Islamic values.

Once, when the Promised Messiahas saw some people suggesting that perhaps Muslims’ success lay in following the West, he stated:

“Someone ought to tell me, in earlier times, was our nation built by following in the footsteps of Europe? Did our people attain all of their successes by following in the footsteps of Western nations? If it is proven that indeed, this is how progress was attained in the past, then it would undoubtedly be a sin if we did not follow in the footsteps of the Europeans. But if this cannot be proven, and surely, it cannot, then how grave an injustice that the nation should follow a materialistic people, abandon the principles of Islam and forsake the Quran, which transformed savages into humans, and then humans into godly people. Those who wish to see Islam in a better state, as a living Faith, by making the Western world their ideal, cannot succeed. Only those who follow the Holy Quran will succeed. Success is impossible and inconceivable if one forsakes the Quran.” He further admonished, “Until Muslims turn to the Holy Quran, they will not develop true faith and will not become healthy. Honour and success will only be attained on the path from which they were achieved in previous times,” i.e., by following the Holy Quran and Allah’s Messengersa. (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 3, 2019, pp. 50-53)

Against this backdrop, Ramadan has reemerged once again to renew and deepen our connection with the Holy Quran. Allah states, “شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.187) – emphasising that Ramadan is intrinsically linked with the Holy Quran. This sacred month offers a unique opportunity to study it, deepen our understanding of it and embody its principles in our actions.

This was the very sunnah of the Holy Prophetsa. During Ramadan, the Holy Prophetsa would intensify his interaction with the Holy Quran, engaging in its recitation and review with Jibrilas. Hence, it is narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairahra that, “The Prophetsa would review the Quran once every year in Ramadan, and he reviewed it twice in the year he passed away. The Prophetsa would retreat in the mosque for ten days [of i‘tikaf] every year, and he secluded himself for twenty days in the year he passed away.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab fada’ili l-qur’an, Hadith 4998)

This sunnah underscores the importance of increasing the time we spend on tilawat during Ramadan beyond regular practices throughout the year, if not doubling it. In this regard, during the Friday sermon of 22 March 2024, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, reminded us by stating:

“Let me just say about the importance of reciting the Holy Quran, that this is also extremely important and should be fulfilled by each and every person during the holy month of Ramadan, and one should at the very least recite one full part of the Holy Quran daily so that a complete recitation of its text can be done in Ramadan. Hazrat Jibrilas used to go over with the Holy Prophetsa the entire portion of whatever had been revealed of the Holy Quran until that time in the month of Ramadan, and in the last Ramadan of the Holy Prophet’ssa life, he went over it with him twice. Hence, every person should be mindful of the importance of reciting the Holy Quran.” (“Friday Sermon | 22nd March 2024 | 4K ULTRA HD”, mtaOnline1 via YouTube)

In this era, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, the Promised Messiah, has profoundly expounded upon the Holy Quran’s importance, illuminating its excellences. On one occasion, while drawing our attention to the importance of reading and understanding the Holy Quran, he stated:

“It is only the Quran that is worthy of being recited because, in fact, this is the very meaning of the word Quran. […] If we did not have the Quran, and if these collections of Hadith had been the crowning glory of our faith and belief, we would not even have been able to show our faces to other nations out of shame. I reflected on the word Quran and then it became evident to me that this blessed word in itself contains a magnificent prophecy. The prophecy is that this book alone is the Quran, i.e., a book that is worthy of being recited, and there will be a time when this will be the case even more so than before. In the era when other books will also be recited alongside the Quran, the Quran alone shall be worthy of being recited so that the honour of Islam may be saved and falsehood may be uprooted; other books will deserve to be forsaken completely. This is also the meaning of Furqan (distinction). In other words, this book alone shall stand to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and no other compilation of Hadith, or any other book for that matter, shall be equal in value or stature.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 3, 2019, pp. 9-10)

He further admonished:

“Now forsake all other books and read the Book of Allah day and night. Truly devoid of faith is the one who does not turn to the Quran and who remains day and night engaged in studying other books. Our Community ought to become absorbed with heart and soul in studying and reflecting on the Holy Quran and should not let themselves become overly preoccupied with studying the Hadith. It is most regrettable that the Holy Quran is not given the same attention or studied as Hadith. At this time, if you employ the weapon known as the Holy Quran, you shall be victorious. No darkness will be able to stand in the face of this light.” (Ibid.)

These teachings do not imply that we should retreat into passivity to seek the success, victory, and glory of Muslim nations. Far from it, Islam extends its message universally, with the Holy Quran serving as guidance for all humanity. It encourages us to harness the worldly resources Allah has bestowed upon us towards our objectives, but with a critical stipulation: these means should not become our ultimate aim, nor should our faith in them overshadow our trust in God.

As such, our endeavours during this blessed month should not only be confined to personal spiritual growth and introspection but also extend towards active engagement in the welfare of our global ummah. As Huzooraa has persistently reminded us, in addition to continuous prayers, our advocacy for the oppressed, particularly the Palestinians and other beleaguered nations, must go hand in hand. Ramadan, a month characterised by heightened charity, presents an opportune moment to translate our empathy into tangible aid, which we can fulfil through various charity organisations.

May the Almighty accept our fasts, prayers, and charitable deeds. May this Ramadan bring forth a renewal of faith and a deepened resolve to aid those in need, drawing us closer to the ideal of a united global ummahAmin.

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