Qasim Choudhary, Missionary, USA
Qamar Zafar Sahib reports Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Austin, Texas hosts Red Cross blood drives in Baitul Muqeet mosque every quarter. These drives started approximately two years ago and have now become a regular event. The latest drive was held on 17 March 2022. Khuddam, with Ansar’s help, carried out waqar-e-amal the night before to prepare the main prayer hall for the drive.
There were four stations set up for taking donors’ vitals, confirming their health and asking some blood donation related questions. Thereafter, donors proceeded to donate blood. A blood donation typically lasted 30 minutes. Once the donation was done, the donors proceeded to the refreshments station where they drank water or Gatorade and had some snacks.
In this drive, 34 units were collected. These units will be used to save many lives. The amazing fact is that donors will likely not know whose life their donation saved. As such, this act is truly altruistic and done for Allah’s pleasure alone.