Refresher course held by Majlis Ansarullah Masroor Region, UK

Mansoor Ahmad, Nazim Umumi, Masroor Region, Majlis Ansarullah UK

The Masroor Region of Majlis Ansarullah UK held a refresher course on 4 February 2024 at the Wallacefield School. Participants gathered for the opening session after congregational Maghrib and Isha prayers. Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah UK, presided over the session.

The opening session started with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by the Ansarullah pledge and an excerpt from the writings of the Promised Messiahas.

Afterwards, Sadr Sahib delivered a speech in which he discussed “Righteous Servants”, the theme for Majlis Ansarullah UK for the year 2024. He pointed out the various qualities of Allah’s righteous servants and said that we, as members of Majlis Ansarullah, need to adopt and practice these qualities to achieve Allah’s pleasure. Sadr Sahib then moved towards the refresher course participants and spoke with the attendees. He allowed the participants to express remarks on the theme of the year and enquired as to how a member of Majlis Ansarullah should lead his personal and spiritual life. Sadr Sahib led a silent prayer, concluding the opening session.

Discussions of the refresher course were held in separate arrangements for various departments. In total, 108 office-bearers attended this event.

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