A series looking at the high standard of morals of the Promised Messiahas, his Khulafa and the hospitality of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community when receiving visitors
Ata-ul-Haye Nasir, Al Hakam

On 11 December 1926, the then Knight Minister of Agriculture for the Punjab, Sir Sardar Jogendra Singh, visited Qadian and had the opportunity to meet with Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra.
Introduction of Sardar Jogendra Singh
Sir Sardar Jogendra Singh was born on 25 May 1877. He served as the Knight Minister of Agriculture for the Punjab in British India from 1926-1937. He also served as a member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in India from 1942 to 1946, and as the Chairman of the Department of Health, Education and Lands. He was a prominent member of the Sikh community in British India. He was a founding member of the Khalsa National Party, and the author of various books as well. He passed away on 3 December 1946. (The Civil and Military Gazette, 4 December 1946, p. 1)
Visit to Qadian

Reporting on this, The Civil and Military Gazette wrote under the heading “Minister of Agriculture”:
“Sardar Jogindar Singh, Minister of Agriculture, Punjab, paid a visit to Qadian on Saturday and was the guest of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, head of the Ahmadiyya community, Qadian. The Minister laid the foundation stone of the local Sikh boarding house, and after lunching with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, paid a brief visit to the Talim ul Islam High School, the Ahmadiyya Agricultural Farm, the Noor Hospital and other institutions. He left for Lahore in the afternoon.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 14 December 1926, p. 8)
Al Fazl reported under the heading “Honourable Wazir-e-Zara‘at Qadian Mein” — Honourable Minister of Agriculture in Qadian:
“Today, on 11 December 1926, the Honourable Sardar Jogendra Singh, Minister of Agriculture for the Punjab visited Qadian along with his lady and staff, and stayed as a guest of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. The Sardar laid the foundation of the local Sikh Boarding House. Moreover, after having lunch with Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa and his staff, visited the Talim-ul-Islam High School, Ahmadiyya Agricultural Farm, Nur Hospital and other places, and then returned. The respected lady of the Honourable Sardar inspected the Girls’ School.” (Al Fazl, 14 December 1926, p. 1)
Another meeting between Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and Jogendra Singh

It is important to mention here that the Minister had a meeting with Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in 1927 as well.
On 28 September 1927, Sir Sardar Jogendra Singh invited Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and his companions to a lunch reception while Huzoorra was on his visit to Shimla.
During the meeting, the Minister requested that Huzoorra kindly play his role in fostering peace and harmony between various communities in British India. He also commended the 20-point memorandum by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra – published on 1 September 1927 – for the establishment of peace and harmony between Hindus and Muslims. The meeting continued for more than two hours.
For more details, see “Communal harmony, Unity Conference and Muslim rights: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s 1927 visit to Shimla”, www.alhakam.org.