Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsa, East Region, UK


Zakaria Sheikh, Regional Missionary, East London, UK

Jawad Ahmed Dar Sahib reports that on 23 January 2022, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK’s East region held its virtual Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsa on Zoom. Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Missionary-in-charge UK was the chief guest.

Initially, the programme was directed for East region’s members only, however, the link to join the virtual Jalsa soon began to circulate to members of the Jamaat across the country, as well as internationally. The number of individuals who joined exceeded expectations, resulting in a second and third link to be generated to allow more members to join.

Unfortunately, due to some technical errors, only a limited number of participants were able to join, hence it was ensured that the Jalsa was recorded, which later became available to access for those who were unable to join. 

The Jalsa commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran with its translation, followed by a poem.

After this, Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib delivered a speech on the blessed life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. The speech mainly focused on the humble and noble character of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

After the speech, the Regional Amir, Mubashar Siddiqi Sahib gave a brief speech. 

The Jalsa was then concluded with a silent prayer led by Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib.

Due to the technical difficulties on the day, the total participants recorded were 500, however, many more were trying to join. The speech by Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib can be watched at the following link:

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