Sierra Leone Jamaat – Covid-19: Government advice and the benefit of Jamaat Radios


Abdul Hadi Qureshi, Sierra Leone Correspondent

Whilst Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sierra Leone is constantly busy in the spiritual and moral upbringing of its members, in the face of the current pandemic, the government of Sierra Leone took some early steps to prevent the arrival and spreading of Covid-19.

Among these early steps were to inform people about the virus and to adopt the precautionary early hygiene measures and instruct all businesses, offices, schools and other places to provide water and soap or sanitisers at their entrances and also put restrictions on large gatherings.

The Amir and Missionary in-charge of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sierra Leone, Saeed-ur-Rahman Sahib, advised all Jamaat offices and members to obey instructions of the government and spend most of their time in istighfar, offering prayers, reciting the Holy Quran and spending time on educating the families about Islam and Ahmadiyyat.

Later, when restrictions were placed on Friday prayers and the five daily prayers, messages were delivered to all Jamaat members through social media and Ahmadiyya radios to comply with the instructions of the government.

Jamaat members were advised to offer the five daily prayers at home, on time and in congregation. In the same way, it was decided to send a small Friday sermon through social media to all members, so that they can offer Jumuah at home wherever there are three or more people living in one home.

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sierra Leone has three radios in the country. Under the instructions of Amir Sahib, special efforts are made by the Ahmadiyya Muslim radio stations in Sierra Leone to broadcast the live Friday Sermon of Huzooraa and then repeatedly be telecast on radio in local languages. Also, audio files of various Jamaat books will be broadcast on Ahmadiyya Radios. Small questionnaires and excerpts from Jamaat literature are also being shared on social media, especially through WhatsApp.

Most of the people in the country do not have access to quality Internet and so, WhatsApp groups are the best way to convey such messages. Some Jamaat literature is also being shared through social media.

Humanity First Sierra Leone has also provided sanitary materials to various places. All auxiliary organisations are using all possible means for the spiritual and moral upbringing of their members in this time of difficulty and restrictions.

Sierra Leone is a developing country and these are difficult times for its people. In 2014-15, it suffered from the deadly Ebola virus. We know what these viruses can do. May Allah the Almighty protect us all. Amin

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