Tahir Wadood, Student Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada

A group of 18 Jamia students from the Khamisah Class (Year 6), along with two of our teachers and Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, departed to visit the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Temple located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on 23 October 2023.
The group left the Baitul Islam Mosque Complex at about 9:15 am and reached the temple around 9:45 am. Upon arrival, we were welcomed by a local religious leader who answered some of our questions regarding Hinduism. The students asked many questions to enhance their knowledge of the Hindu religion.
The students were also given a guided tour where they were told about the various parts of the temple and what significance they hold.
The students visited the temple exhibition, where they were able to view many different exhibits and displays regarding Hinduism, underscoring its history and current beliefs.
Towards the end of the tour, the students sat down and they witnessed a few moments of the Hindu prayer service to see the method of a group prayer service.
Around noon, the students departed from the temple, as the tour had concluded there.