The bond between God Almighty and man


“Two friends can only carry on as such when on certain occasions the former listens to the latter and vice versa. If one friend demands to get his way every time, this will spoil the relationship. So, too, should be the case in the bond between man and God. At times, Allah Almighty accepts the servant’s desire and opens to them the door of His grace, and on other occasions, the servant must submit to the divine decrees of fate and destiny. In truth, it is God Almighty who possesses the right to try His servants, and these trials from God are for man’s benefit. God makes those who prove to be sincere even after they are tried, the inheritors of divine bounty — this is how God’s law of nature operates.”

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 2, pp. 42-43)

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