2020, it seems, got off on the wrong foot; our world continues to ride the wave of turbulence and turmoil. Whether it be international politics or epidemics, the fabric of society is drawing us further apart from social cohesion, peace and humanity. There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel.
This light of salvation was always here for us, spreading the earth for well over a century. It was lit by a prophet of God, the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, peace be upon him.

On 23 March 1889, during the rule of the British Empire, the rise of materialism and the death of religion, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas presented himself as the solace to not only the problems of his time, but also the disaster we are undergoing today.
His purpose was to guide mankind back to its Creator and to establish communion with Him. To turn this into a reality, Hazrat Ahmadas emphasised for humanity to adhere to the Islamic teachings of upholding “rights of God and the rights of His creation.”
The 19th century culture of atheism and disbelief had led people away from worshiping and recognising God Almighty. As this disbelief grew, so did the injustices.
Hazrat Ahmadas proved to the world, not only intellectually, but through clear divine signs, that God Almighty exists and serving His creation meant adopting morals of humility, humanity, compassion and forgiveness.
His community of believers began worshipping God through the stillness of the night and serving humanity during the day. Where arrogance, injustice and misconduct were rife, a “new creation” was forged by Allah the Almighty that adopted humility, absolute justice and compassion for mankind. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas was not only the Messiah for the misguided Muslims, rather he was there for all of humanity, those present and those who were to come.
Today, the torchbearer of this light continues this effort, drawing mankind back to God and saving it from the pit of disaster.
This torchbearer, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, may Allah be his Helper, echoes to the world what the Promised Messiahas was told to preach. He travels from East to West imploring the nations of the world to recognise their Creator and adopt true justice and service towards mankind.
By the grace of Allah Almighty, Al Hakam was relaunched two years ago (23 March 2018) by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Its aim has been to amplify the message of the Promised Messiahas throughout the world, paying special focus to the West.
By printing the words of our current Khalifa, publishing academic articles and research, showcasing the great legacy of Islam, presenting the true teachings of religion and showing to the world how Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya continues to spread the dawn of a new era, Al Hakam feels honoured to contribute to the purpose of the Promised Messiahas.
When Al Hakam was launched during the time of the Promised Messiahas, it aided him to the extent that he labelled it as “an arm” for the spread of his mission. “Al Hakam was a champion in that grand victory and it was a sign of God” said its first Editor, Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira.(Al Hakam, 21-28 February 1920)
To bring the current world that is engulfed and burning in the flames of atheism and materialism back to the threshold of God Almighty is a feat that is far from over. However, every day, the spirit and awe of the Promised Messiahas is being established throughout the world.
As Ahmadi Muslims, 23 March should serve not only as a celebration to recall the great Champion of Islam but as a day for introspect and reflection.
Are we, dwellers of this earth, part of the “new heaven and earth” the Promised Messiahassaid he had come to bring? Or have we deviated from what he expected from us and fallen into the pit of disbelief?
May Allah help us in understanding our responsibilities and fulfilling them to the highest possible standards. Amin.