15 July 2005: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that there was a surge in opposition to the Jamaat in some Muslim-majority countries. Huzooraa said that Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya had no material power, and members bowed before Allah the Almighty and sought help from Him alone. Therefore, Huzooraa said, members of the Jamaat should pray fervently that Allah the Almighty may protect every Ahmadi from all kinds of harm.
Huzooraa elaborated that there was a lot of unrest against the Jamaat in Indonesia, and the opponents had attacked the Jalsa Salana site there, which resulted in a few Ahmadis being injured. He added that on the same day (15 July), opponents had also attacked Ahmadis during the Friday prayer, which resulted in some injuries.
Huzooraa said that Allah the Almighty would Himself deal with these opponents and would save the Jamaat from all kinds of harm. He advised that Ahmadis ought to remember that such opposition was necessary for the progress of the Jamaat.
16 July 2012: While in Canada, special reception was held in honour of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa at the Paramount Banquet Centre in Woodbridge, Ontario. The event was hosted by then Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty and then Minister of Citizenship and Immigration for Ontario, Charles Sousa.

17 July 2009: During his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned a missionary of the Jamaat, Chaudhry Mahmud Ahmad Cheema Sahib, who had passed away at the age of 81. He had the opportunity to serve the Jamaat in Sierra Leone, Germany and Indonesia as a missionary. His services in Indonesia alone spanned over 33 years.
18 July 2008: During his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa gave guidance to the organisers of Jalsa Salana UK 2008, as well as the guests in attendance.
Huzooraa said that, with the grace of Allah the Almighty and due to the presence of Khilafat, the UK Jalsa had assumed the role of the central (markazi) Jalsa and had expanded over the years more than any other country. Huzooraa also appreciated the efforts of Jalsa volunteers during the past years as well.
19 July 2012: An Ahmadi, Chaudhry Naeem Ahmad Gondal Sahib, born in 1961, was martyred in Orangi Town, Karachi. He had studied MA economics and MBA (Masters of Business Administration) and was working as an assistant director in the State Bank of Pakistan.
The incident of martyrdom took place on the morning of 19 July at 8:30 am, when two youngsters fired at him while he was going to his office. He had been serving as the local president of Orangi Town jamaat for 11 years.

19 July 2015: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered the Eid-ul-Fitr sermon on this day from the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London.
Addressing the importance of Eid, Huzooraa said:
“Today, young and old, women and men have gathered together because this day holds great significance. Islam has decreed the day of Eid as a day of happiness in which Muslims should join together with their loved ones. […]
“Today, if Ahmadi Muslims wish to celebrate Eid in the true sense, then where they seek to attain the blessings of the true Eid by bringing about a moral reformation, they should also make every effort to free the world of injustices and should engage fervently in prayer to free the Muslim world from the disorder and troubles it is engulfed in.” (Al Hakam, 31 May 2019, Issue 63, p. 7)
20 July 2003: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa inspected the arrangements of Jalsa Salana UK 2003 and addressed the volunteers of Jalsa. Huzooraa advised them to begin their work with prayers and serve the guests of the Promised Messiahas with passion and a spirit of sacrifice. Huzooraa added that the guests should not have any complaint against the volunteers and the volunteers should always express high morals. (Al Fazl, 29 July 2003, p. 2)
21 July 2006: During his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that the then President of Sierra Leone, Dr Ahmad Tejan Kabbah had come to offer the Friday prayer at the Bait-ul-Futuh Mosque on that day. Huzooraa introduced the distinguished guest and said that he had expressed his desire to offer the Friday prayer here. Huzooraa prayed that may Allah the Almighty fulfil his pious wishes, reward him and establish lasting peace and security in his country. Huzooraa also graced a reception held in honour of the distinguished guest.