Three missionaries successfully complete #AskAMuslim tour of Sweden


Kashif Virk, Missionary, Sweden

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Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sweden conducted another tour of Sweden with its campaigns #FrågaEnMuslim (#AskAMuslim) and #MessiasHarKommit (#MessiahHasCome), this time in the southern parts of the country.

Three missionaries, Agha Yahya Khan Sahib (missionary in-charge), Rizwan Afzal Sahib and Kashif Virk Sahib, travelled between 21 and 27 August 2021 and covered a total of 2,600 kilometres. The caravan prepared by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sweden has a large photo of the Promised Messiahas which can be seen from far, alongside the motto “Love for All, Hatred for None” written in bold text. A total of seven events were arranged at central locations in six different cities. 

The tour received extensive coverage in Swedish media; print, online, social media, radio and on television. 

Before the trip, two interviews and one article were published in the local papers Sydöstran and Blekinge Läns Tidning, informing the general public about the upcoming trip. The journey itself was covered by 11 media outlets. Some also published the picture of the Promised Messiahas.

Many who visited the stalls were informed about it through the media. Thus, the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat and this campaign reached far and wide, alhamdulillah.

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Visitors mainly enquired about our take on the dire situation in Afghanistan, as well as women rights, sharia law and integration. There is also a growing awareness among the public about Islam Ahmadiyyat and its peaceful approach.

Meetings were also held with local Church vicars and representatives of three cities, as well as the mayor of Kalmar city. The purpose of the campaign was explained and it received appreciation. Copies of the Holy Quran with Swedish translation were presented as a gift. 

Local members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sweden in several cities provided admirable assistance, and readers of Al Hakam are requested to pray that Allah the Almighty rewards them with manifold blessings.

Please pray that may Allah enable us to spread the teachings of true Islam to the whole population of our country. Amin.

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