UK new Ahmadis invigorated after an audience with their Imam


Jonathan Butterworth, Secretary New Ahmadis Department, Jamaat UK

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Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa graciously granted the New Converts from Jamaat UK, a blessed opportunity of having a virtual meeting. We are truly grateful to Allah the Almighty and His Khalifa that we were able to keep the blessed company of Huzooraa once again.

With the gracious permission of Huzooraa, this meeting was jointly hosted by the National Department of New Ahmadi Tarbiyat and Waqf-e-Jadid and the National Tabligh Department. We worked very closely with the three auxiliary organisations in planning for this meeting, namely Lajna Imaillah, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, and Ansarullah. In addition, we were strongly supported by the Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK, as well as the UK Arabic Desk and UK Bangla Desk.

As a result of everyone’s efforts, 84 New Ahmadis and recent converts confirmed their attendance in advance to attend the meeting. Of these, 60 attended in person which included 26 women, and 40 men.

Erbaz Tahir Sahib said:

“I took bai‘at three years ago and meeting Huzooraa today was an amazing first-time experience. As a convert you try to see your spiritual leader and sit in his presence. This experience was well organised for new Ahmadis, it is hard to explain – glad to attend with my wife who had an opportunity to ask a question.”

Robert Edwin Cramp Sahib said:

“It was really good to attend on Saturday, to meet others who have recently converted and to hear for the first time live and be addressed by His Holiness. His compassion for the people there was palpably obvious. I came away feeling invigorated in the long journey I have undertaken.” 

Jamil Ahmed Sahib said:

“Amazing, I enjoyed very much and mostly happy for reading the Holy Quran in front of Khalifa of the time, 48 hours later I am still enjoying the moment”.

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