Consider waqf a favour of Allah: Huzoor guides US missionaries in virtual mulaqat


On Tuesday, 2 July 2024, missionaries serving in the USA had the honour of a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa.

At the outset of the mulaqat, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and led everyone in silent prayer. 

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then asked Sahibzada Dr Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya USA, about the composition of the missionary team and the details of the recently concluded Jalsa Salana USA 2024.

Amir Sahib reported that there are a total of 44 missionaries in the USA, with 41 serving in the field, while others are serving in offices. He added that the Jalsa Salana was successful, by the grace of Allah. Huzooraa mentioned that he had received feedback indicating that while the food arrangements were good, the sound quality on the ladies’ side needed improvement. Amir Sahib assured that steps would be taken to address this in future events. Huzooraa then enquired about Officer Jalsa Gah responsible for overseeing the arrangements. Amir Sahib confirmed that it was Mirza Ehsan Ahmad Sahib. Huzooraa instructed Amir Sahib to inform him to ensure that this issue is addressed.

Discipline and Jalsa Salana

Huzooraa also advised that the sound issues might also stem from a lack of discipline among some attendees, emphasising the importance of continuous tarbiyat by missionaries and stating that it should not be seen as the responsibility of just one individual or Secretary Tarbiyat. Instead, all missionaries should, throughout the year, actively teach Jamaat members about the virtues of patience and proper decorum during Jamaat events. He cited the example of Ghanaian Ahmadi women and children who remained composed in the “scorching heat” for hours during a jalsa of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Ghana, both before and after Huzoor’saa arrival. Huzooraa noted that this level of discipline is crucial and should be a focus of tarbiyat for Ahmadis not only in Ghana but also in Europe, the UK, and America. He stressed that achieving such discipline requires missionaries themselves to embody and instil these values consistently.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then provided comprehensive guidance to all missionaries on various aspects, stating:

Waqf: Consider it a favour of Allah

“Allah Almighty has granted you the opportunity to dedicate yourselves and study at Jamia Ahmadiyya, thereafter serving the Jamaat and striving, to the best of your abilities, to fulfil the mission of the Promised Messiahas. Recognise this as a favour from Allah the Exalted. When you perceive it as His favour, you will be inspired to work with the spirit that this is a favour of Allah Almighty, which has enabled us to serve the faith and thus extinguish any complaints. When you embrace the concept that this is a favour from Allah, there will be no demands left. Fostering this understanding is crucial. It is a distinct mark of a successful murabbi and muballigh.”


“The Promised Messiahas once asked what was the special quality in Hazrat Ibrahimas that was pleasing to Allah. It was his fulfilment [of God’s commandments. (Surah an-Najm, Ch. 53: V. 38)]:

وَاِبۡرٰہِیۡمَ الَّذِیۡ وَفّٰۤی

“He was full of loyalty, a loyalty towards Allah. Therefore, your duty is to fulfil the vow of loyalty and loyalty you have made with Allah. Be faithful to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, to the Promised Messiahas, to the Khalifa, and to the system of the Jamaat. When this notion of loyalty is established within you, you will remain conscious of Allah’s favours, and your attention will be drawn towards disseminating the teachings of the Holy Quran and the sharia of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, and towards fulfilling the mission of the Promised Messiahas. Your connection with the Khalifa will strengthen, and so will your relationship with the Jamaat’s system. Instead of focusing on your personal needs or pondering over your issues, there will be a zeal to complete this mission, to fulfil that loyalty, and to attempt to repay the favour that Allah the Exalted has bestowed upon us. And the one who embodies this will indeed become a successful murabbi and muballigh.”

Always strive for betterment

“Then, there will no longer be this thinking that we have such and such deficiencies everywhere, and such weaknesses; we do not claim that everything in our entire system is always absolutely perfect. There are weaknesses, and shortcomings do occur, but it is the duty of murabbian and muballighin to overcome these deficiencies and weaknesses. First, rectify them within yourselves, then in your surroundings, and wherever you are posted. Those in the field should consider how far they have instilled a spirit of tarbiyat within the Jamaat, a spirit that creates a bond with the system of the Jamaat. This will only happen when the spirit within us is awakened to improve our conditions as far as possible, to strive to follow the commands of Allah Almighty as much as we can, to endeavour to act upon the teachings of the Holy Quran, and to understand our objectives.”

Practice what you preach

“You deliver speeches. You come on stage; there are many good speakers among you. […] However, just being a speaker is of no use unless there is action. Therefore, strive to establish good examples. When you establish your examples, then the Jamaat will also be trained, and you will find support in your tabligh endeavours, and your efforts will be blessed, and the pace of progress will multiply.”

Paving pathways amidst challenges

“An issue among us is that even minor matters quickly give rise to complaints; sometimes it is with the administration, sometimes with the president of a jamaat, sometimes with the national president, the regional president, the local president, the vice-president, and so forth. Complaints begin to emerge, accompanied by statements like ‘This didn’t happen, that didn’t happen.’ Instead of adopting this approach, everyone should consider what they themselves need to do and how, despite these adverse circumstances, they must explore new ways that accelerate their work rather than hinder it. These pathways you must pave on your own. Always keep this in mind.

“This can only happen when you constantly feel that you need to strive to repay the favours of Allah Almighty with loyalty, recognising and appreciating His blessings. And remember that, ‘Now nothing belongs to me; rather, everything is God’s, since I have dedicated my life for the sake of Allah’s pleasure. Therefore, I must do whatever is within my capability.’ Then you will see that your actions and words will positively influence the tarbiyat of people in your area.”

Humble ways lead to lasting influence

“If a missionary does not properly attend the Fajr prayer, or if he attends but hurries through his prayers, or if he doesn’t focus on themes in his duroos that are crucial for tarbiyat in that region, or if he does not practice what he preaches, then he will not have an impact on the people. Therefore, it is essential to consider how you are going to make a positive impact on others. Regardless of how a person perceives himself, it is always important to assess the level of humility within oneself. This was stated by Allah Almighty about the Promised Messiahas too,  and I repeatedly say this to you all – I have said it before and I say it again – that Allah Almighty was pleased with the humble ways of the Promised Messiahas. [Tadhkirah [English], 2019, p. 961] And it is these humble ways that we are also taught to follow. We must strive to walk on them. Therefore, while you should consider yourself as nothing, always keep in mind that people are watching, and they regard you in a certain light, meaning that you need to set an example. Thus, you should not cause anyone to stumble in any way.

“With love, affection, compassion, and wisdom, you must educate and train people. Patiently acknowledge their shortcomings while demonstrating forbearance. If you perform all these tasks with a good intention, then Allah the Exalted will take care of the rest, addressing other issues and needs that arise.”

Ignore trivialities and focus on higher goals

“We give examples, read stories, and narrate events about the elders. Were these incidents only specific to those elders? You too can achieve those heights. However, as a poet once said:

مگر اس میں لگتی ہے محنت زیادہ

“It requires greater effort. (Altaf Hussain Hali, Paimana-e-Ghazal, Vol. 1, p. 209) Allah Almighty has decreed that you must do a kind of Jihad. Therefore, this struggle is something that a murabbi and muballigh must always keep in mind, and for this, you must determine the best paths, most suitable for your individual circumstances.

“If you get bogged down in minor issues, you will not be able to undertake significant constructive tasks or achieve the purpose of becoming a true murabbi and muballigh.”

Zarreen Hidayaat (Bara’ey Muballighin wa Tulaba)

“Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has imparted countless pieces of advice on this subject. I previously mentioned this to the missionaries and said that the book Zarreen Hidayaat (Bara’ey Muballighin) should also be in your possession. It will be available there [in the USA]; if someone has not purchased it yet, they should buy and read it. It contains numerous instructions for enhancing your spirituality, for strengthening your practical endeavours, for your tarbiyat, for fostering your connection with the Jamaat, and for maintaining good relations with the administration, etc.”

Effective administrative relations

“In administrative dealings, minor issues are inevitable. Consequently, some missionaries share their grievances with me; these issues often surface in various reports, sometimes explicitly or in subtle terms. Regardless, these issues are inevitably mentioned in some form. Questions about how to handle these matters arise, and it is incumbent upon you to resolve them yourselves. These issues are universal and exist everywhere. Effective missionaries strive to resolve them. This is not a new phenomenon. I have repeatedly stated that this has been ongoing since the nizam-e-jamaat was established; disputes do occur. However, it is crucial not to let these disputes escalate to the point where they begin to impede work. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra once also addressed this in a meeting – I have previously mentioned that Abdul Maalik Khan Sahib personally told me about a session with missionaries where Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra remarked, ‘I do not understand why the cooperation and collaboration evident between the Amir of Karachi and Abdul Maalik Khan cannot be emulated elsewhere.’ Thus, it comes down to mindset. If the correct mindset is present, solutions will manifest. Otherwise, one might get bogged down with complaints such as ‘The Secretary for Tarbiyat said this, the Secretary for Tabligh said that, the Amir of the Jamaat remarked this, the President of a jamaat remarked that, someone obstructed my path there, I withdrew, what am I to do?’, etc. Such thinking is unproductive. Erase the notion of ‘What am I to do?’ from your mind. Instead, your mindset should consistently be, ‘I must accomplish this.’ And how should this be done? By exploring new avenues. When one route closes, explore another. With this approach, you will see substantial progress in your efforts.”

Importance of team building in tabligh

“Several years ago – around 15 or more – I suggested that the message of Ahmadiyyat should reach 10% of the population. America is such a vast country with a significant population. And as stated by Amir Sahib, there are 41 field missionaries. While it may seem unattainable under normal circumstances, if your system is well-organised, and everyone is involved, then surely this message can be spread. A single person can achieve little on their own. However, a single individual can form a team and inspire them. If you possess leadership qualities, you can lead them effectively. This becomes possible when people realise that their missionary, their leader, is also prepared for every sacrifice and is deeply committed to fulfilling the duties to which he is drawing their attention, with unwavering loyalty. When they see this, they will become your supporters, and you will witness how rapidly the introduction of Ahmadiyyat progresses in your country.”

Opposition and perseverance

“Sometimes, we perceive opposition as occurring. Where opposition exists, it acts as a fertiliser. In places where there has been opposition, like in a few places in America, against Muslims, the Jamaat’s profile has consequently increased. Since the Jamaat became known about three years ago, some might have thought that merely holding an annual function fulfilled their duty. However, it is essential to consistently maintain this effort. Sustaining this task with perseverance is crucial. With steadfastness, one opportunity will lead to another, and introductions will continue to unfold.

“Thus, these are matters that every murabbi and muballigh must always remember.”

Strategic planning in the workplace

“Similarly, those who work in offices must remember where they are placed in their field of action. It is there that they must work and devise new ways to advance. It should not be that one heads to the office or the field whenever one pleases, just because no one is supervising. Establish a set schedule. I have mentioned this before and you acted upon it for some time, and perhaps some still do, but generally, it is not the case. Create a timetable. What time must you rise in the morning? Then consider that performing voluntary prayers and Tahajjud is essential for a missionary. Even if the nights are short nowadays, you can still perform some nawafil, even if it’s just two. Then, plan for after Fajr. You have to plan your entire day, to see what needs to be done, etc. Then review how many hours you have spent in the service of the Jamaat, in worship, or in study. I am speaking about specific hours here. You need to calculate the hours. How many hours did you sleep? How many hours did you engage in constructive activities? How many hours did you spend on activities that generally benefit the Jamaat? How many hours did you spend on tabligh

“You say there are no avenues for tabligh, or there are no opportunities for preaching, how should we preach? You are the ones who are there in the field. You should explore for yourself how to undertake this task. You say, if we do this on social media, then that happens. Some people are working on social media, and very good programmes are happening, but those of your programmes happened two or three years ago and then ended. Some have not continued them. Those who have continued are benefiting, both there and elsewhere in the world.

“These are the considerations that a murabbi and muballigh should ponder. So, if you work in this manner, I hope, insha-Allah, you will achieve success, and where, on the one hand, the paths of tarbiyat will improve, the avenues of tabligh will also open. May Allah grant you the ability to do so.” Amin.

Importance of prayer 

Huzooraa then asked a young missionary to ensure he comprehended the earlier discussion. Affirmatively, the missionary mentioned his new understanding of innovating in the methods of tabligh and tarbiyat and focusing less on lodging complaints. Huzooraa responded with a smile, emphasising the importance of self-reflection before raising complaints elsewhere and added: “Prayer is also essential. One cannot do anything without prayer.”

Prioritising Jamaat’s work over auxiliary duties

Next, Amir Sahib sought guidance about missionaries who hold additional executive roles within auxiliary organisations, noting that their dual responsibilities may be affecting their engagement and focus on assigned local jamaats.

In response, Huzooraa addressed the missionaries directly, emphasising the importance of balancing their responsibilities. He explained that while the additional duties assigned by the Sadr of an auxiliary organisation should not detract from their primary obligations to their designated jamaats, they are expected to manage both roles effectively.

Huzooraa pointed out that many Ahmadis manage to fulfil their secular jobs and still dedicate significant time to Jamaat duties. He stressed the greater responsibility of life devotees in this regard, given their full-time dedication to the Jamaat. Citing the example of another country, Huzooraa highlighted that Jamaat employees and missionaries there prioritise their Jamaat responsibilities and fulfil their duties to auxiliary organisations outside of work hours. Huzooraa also mentioned the commendable practices of past elders like Mir Daud Ahmad Sahib, who effectively managed their Jamaat roles alongside their auxiliary duties. Furthermore, Huzooraa briefly referenced his own experiences from before his Khilafat, where he ensured that his primary duties were not compromised despite holding additional responsibilities. 

Huzooraa reminded the missionaries that, as life devotees, their primary commitment is to their Jamaat roles. He underscored that managing additional tasks should be seen as a blessing and an opportunity for service bestowed by Allah. He stressed that being exemplary in fulfilling both roles effectively would positively impact the Jamaat members too and enhance their respect and trust in the missionaries.

Huzooraa said that if any missionary finds the dual responsibilities unmanageable, they should communicate this to the Sadr of the concerned auxiliary organisation, acknowledging the extent of their commitments and seeking an appropriate resolution. This would prevent any grounds for complaints from the jamaats and maintain the integrity and effectiveness of their service.

Ahmadis’ love for Khilafat and the responsibilities of missionaries

Next, a missionary expressed gratitude to Allah for the outpouring of prayers and love from Ahmadis during Huzoor’saa recent medical procedure, reflecting the deep affection they hold for Khilafat. 

Huzooraa acknowledged this as Allah’s grace, highlighting that such love is instilled by God alone. He recounted how the Promised Messiahas also wrote about such sentiments by his followers, emphasising that these were the works of Allah alone. Huzooraa said that all this demonstrates the spirit of sincerity and loyalty among the members, and a missionary’s role is to further enhance and illuminate this spirit. He reminded the missionaries that such moments should inspire them to intensify their tarbiyat efforts. By improving their own spiritual state and conduct, missionaries can foster this quality more effectively among the people. Huzooraa prayed for Allah’s blessings on all who showed their love and for the missionaries to become even stronger helpers of Khilafat.

Additional study

Following this, Huzooraa enquired about the number of missionaries working in various offices and, addressing one serving at, he emphasised the importance of pursuing additional studies beyond their routine work-related reading, which would not only enhance their knowledge but also expand opportunities for tabligh. Huzooraa stressed the need to consider how best to utilise their capabilities for the benefit of the Jamaat in current circumstances.

How to gauge success

A missionary then asked Huzooraa about assessing the success of their tenure when transferred from one jamaat to another. 

Huzooraa explained that the feedback should primarily come from the Jamaat members, many of whom also write to him directly, while others inform him during mulaqats. He advised missionaries to conduct a general assessment comparing the spiritual state of the Jamaat members upon their arrival and departure. Huzooraa stressed the importance of continuous improvement and not settling for perceived successes, likening spiritual progress to an unbounded ocean. He also encouraged missionaries to reflect on their personal spiritual growth and relationship with God during their tenure and by the time of their transfer.

Family disputes

Another missionary enquired about handling situations where Jamaat members, often relatives, may cease attending the mosque due to disputes or disagreements, especially when one among them becomes a Jamaat office-holder. 

In response, Huzooraa emphasised the need for continuous tarbiyat. He advised that missionaries should cultivate a spirit among the members that their allegiance is not to any individual officeholder but to the Jamaat established by the Promised Messiahas and to Khilafat. Disputes may arise, but they should not escalate to the extent of deterring members from mosque attendance. Huzooraa encouraged missionaries to engage persistently with such members, explaining the importance of unity and regular mosque attendance. He stressed the significance of being impartial and becoming a source of reconciliation. Huzooraa highlighted the Quranic command to show kindness even to adversaries, suggesting that if such grace can transform foes into friends, then surely it can reconcile and unite those within the same faith and family.

In their meetings, Huzooraa encouraged the missionaries to share successful strategies for managing such challenges, enabling them to learn from one another’s experiences.

Eid and Ramadan dates in US and Canada

In a discussion about differing Ramadan and Eid dates in the US and Canada, a missionary expressed concerns from some members of his jamaat about the lack of uniformity despite being one united Jamaat.

Huzooraa explained that we are indeed one united Jamaat but Islam bases the start of Ramadan and Eid on the sighting of the moon, which can vary by region. He emphasised that it is not rational to expect unified dates across vast countries like the US and Canada, which could even have different dates within the same country due to their size. Huzooraa recalled that a similar experiment was tried during the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh but was not continued due to practical difficulties. He advised the missionaries to discuss and resolve such issues in their meetings and seek guidance from Markaz if and when needed.

Familial responsibilities and Jamaat work

A missionary asked about balancing familial responsibilities with Jamaat work.

Huzooraa reiterated the importance of structuring a daily schedule that includes designated times for prayers, study, work, tabligh, family, and meals, etc., which would facilitate natural balance.

He advised that if a clear timetable is maintained, it becomes easier to allocate specific times for children, especially on weekends. He mentioned the practice established by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, which provides for life-devotees to have a long weekend once a month, emphasising that this time should be spent with family to ensure their happiness and to strengthen family bonds.

Huzooraa emphasised that missionaries must exhibit exemplary moral conduct, treating their families with kindness and understanding, adhering to the Quranic command of treating them well. Poor treatment can lead to dissatisfaction at home, complicating efforts to balance Jamaat and family life.

By evaluating their daily activities, missionaries can adjust their commitments to ensure they are dedicating sufficient time to both their Jamaat responsibilities and family, thereby achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Tabligh in Spanish-speaking countries

Towards the end of the virtual mulaqat, Huzooraa engaged with a missionary who had recently visited a Spanish-speaking country, asking about his experiences and the effectiveness of his efforts. He also asked Amir Sahib about the number of missionaries proficient in Spanish. Subsequently, Huzooraa provided specific guidance to the Additional Wakil-ut-Tabshir regarding the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas.

The session concluded with Huzooraa conveying salaam to all participants, marking the end of the mulaqat.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

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