Today, the 33rd Jalsa Salana of West Coast USA will commence with the flag hoisting ceremony of Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat, which will take place at 14:20 local time (GMT -8).
Today, members of the West Coast Jamaat gathered at 5am local time to watch the live Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Thereafter, they offered the Fajr prayer in congregation.
The first Jalsa that took place in the West Coast dates back to 1982. Since then, the West Coast has been attracting 3,000 guests annually.
This year’s Jalsa theme is Justice: The Foundation for Lasting Peace which, in this day and age, is a very crucial topic. At a time like this, full of political and religious division, the world is in desperate need of establishing true justice to enable humanity to prosper.
Our reporters got in touch with Sheheryar Ahmad Sahib, who is leading the MTA Production team for the West Coast Jalsa Salana, who told us:
“This year, MTA studios will be broadcasting live from Baitul Hameed Mosque in Southern California, the site of the 33rd West Coast Jalsa Salana USA. Broadcast will begin at noon Pacific Standard time (PT) with the broadcast of Huzoor’s historic Friday Sermon delivered on 10 May 2013 at Baitul Hameed Mosque.
“The studio will broadcast live at 1:30pm with segments on the importance of Jalsa Salana, the history of the West Coast Jalsa Salana USA and a discussion of the history of Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat. The Jalsa session will then air live.
“The highlight of Friday’s programme will be the annual guest and dignitary dinner event. The keynote speaker is Imam Azhar Haneef who will talk about Justice: The Foundation of Lasting Peace. Several guest speakers including local faith leaders, political officials and mosque friends will also give comments.
“Saturday’s session will include live interviews in studio covering various aspects including Atfal impressions of Huzoor’s recent visit to America, a panel discussion with members of PAAMA USA, guests from the Umur-e-Kharija and Press and Media team of Jamaat USA discussing everlasting divine effects of Huzoor’s recent tour of the USA and Guatemala, followed by a segment on Islam in America with Spanish speaking guests.
“On Sunday, live interviews of various panelists will take place, covering various topics including financial sacrifice, Wasiyyat, and our responsibilities as Ahmadis in America in light of Huzoor’s recent historic visit as well as a speech by Amir Sahib USA, Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Sahib on the topic of Zikr-e-Habib. Over 2,000 guests are expected to attend the 33rd West Coast Jalsa Salana.”
Insha-Allah, Al Hakam will publish a full report of this Jalsa in our upcoming issue.
Readers can watch the live broadcast of this Jalsa via webstream.
Members of the Jamaat are requested to pray for the success of this Jalsa. May Allah enable the Jamaat to be the means of spreading everlasting peace within our societies. Amin.