On 23 February, on the last day of the UK Waqf-e-Nau Retreat 2020, around 800 Waqifeen-e-Nau Khuddam had a sitting with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper.
The class commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by hadith and an extract of Promised Messiahas that was about the importance of serving religion and the Promised Messiah’sas passion for the cause.
Following this, a presentations was delivered with regard to Huzoor’saa guidance for Waqifeen around the world. A short video clip was also played highlighting the different events, talks and activities that occurred during the retreat.
Following this, Waqifeen had the opportunity to engage with and ask Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa questions on various matters.
The first question was asked by a khadim with regard to preparing for exams and how Huzooraa would prepare when he was a student. Huzooraa responded by saying, “I remember once, before my final exams, when I realised that my preparation was not sufficient enough, I closed the doors and studied day and night. I would only leave the room when it was time for namaz or time to eat; and, by the grace of God, I managed to pass all my exams.”
Huzooraa further stressed, “But I want you all to attain high marks. So I am thankful that I passed my examinations. But in this day and age, you people will not be able to survive without attaining good grades.”
Another khadim asked whether Waqfe-Nau boys and girls have to marry a partner who is Waqf-e-Nau only. Huzooraa said, “They can marry others; therefore, it is incorrect to say this. The boy or girl should be Ahmadi though and the girls should be righteous and know well that being a Waqf-e-Nau means that their husbands should also be virtuous and should have a desire to serve his faith. He should not be one to stop his wife from serving the Jamaat.
“Also, boys should marry women who have a passion to serve their faith and can also stand alongside him in his service to faith, and later be able to raise their children accordingly. Otherwise, it is not really necessary for a Waqf-e-Nau to marry another Waqf-e-Nau. The main thing is that the spouse should be an Ahmadi, and a righteous person.”
Huzooraa also highlighted the Holy Prophet’ssa instruction of marrying a righteous partner and making this the most important factor when choosing a spouse. One question was whether it is permissible to say “Jumuah Mubarak”. Huzooraa, with a smile, said, “Jumuah is Mubarak. Of course you can say it; what is the harm?”
Referring to an incident of Hazrat Umarra, Huzooraa said, “Once, Hazrat Umarra said to a Jew that Fridays in Islam are very blessed days for Muslims. Through this incident, we can see that Fridays are indeed a blessed day.”
One khadim asked about tasbih (the glorification of Allah) that is recited after Salat. Huzooraa first made it clear that it is not a compulsory part of Salat. He then said that on one occasion, some Muslims who were not wealthy and could not partake in activities due to lack of provisions, asked the Holy Prophetsa how they could partake in Jihad and spend in the way of Allah as the wealthy Muslims were able to. The Holy Prophetsa responded that after namaz, they should recite “Subhanallah” 33 times, “Alhamdulillah” 33 times and “Allahuakbar” 34 times. Upon witnessing this, the other companions who were wealthy started doing the same as they also had fervour for religion.
Huzooraa added, “This is not a compulsory part of Salat. However, if you get the chance, then you should recite it.”
One Waqif-e-Nau asked Huzooraa if he ever felt nervous. Responding to this, Huzooraa said, “Nervousness is a common human emotion. At times, I would become nervous before the previous Khulafa. Sometimes when one becomes overexcited, they get nervous thinking how they will complete a task in an emergency.
“We had to carry out such tasks during the 1974 agitations [against the Jamaat]. I would sometimes deliver messages in excitement and would utter the wrong words.
“Excitement is not like nervousness, otherwise if someone becomes nervous during day-to-day activities, then they cannot get anything done. For this reason, one should try to compose oneself first and then start working so that, due to nervousness, they do not make any mistakes.”
One Khadim said that in today’s media, journalists are more likely to present negative news than positive news. He asked, “How, as Ahmadi Muslims who are doing good work, do we tackle this.” Answering the question, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if the khadim had seen the interviews Huzooraa had given in the past to the media. He then said, “We are to present to them the true teachings of Islam and show it through our actions and work.”
Huzooraa further said, “The media does publish the work the Jamaat does, such as the New Year’s Day clean-up, peace symposia, charity work and other humanitarian works.”
Huzooraa further added that one should study the Holy Quran and know how we can spread its teachings and inculcate them within our lives. Huzooraa added, “Now, the Review of Religions, Press & Media, MTA Social Media and other teams have started interviewing people on the streets to get their views and promote the true teachings of Islam. Through this, we are able to ascertain their views and the knowledge people have regarding Islam; then, we can present and clarify the concerns they may have.”
One khadim said to Huzooraa that today, many students in colleges and universities are surrounded by people who smoke cigarettes, drink and take drugs. The khadim asked how one can refrain from falling into bad crowds. Huzooraa said, “If you know that so and so is indulged in such things, then you should simply stay away.”
Huzooraa further went on to narrate a famous incident of a student who visited the Promised Messiahas and told him that his mind was becoming more inclined towards atheistic views and beliefs. Understanding the situation, the Promised Messiahas told the young student to change his seat in his class. Upon doing this, the student went back to the Promised Messiahas and said that now, his mind was clear of atheistic thoughts. Huzooraa said, “You should be aware of your surroundings. This is why the Holy Quran has said to be with the righteous.”
One khadim asked Huzooraa that when the parents have given their child as waqf for the service of religion, then why, at the age of 15-16, are the Waqifeen told to confirm if they wish to carry out their waqf. Responding to this, Huzooraa said, “Indeed, parents did take this responsibility upon themselves and dedicated their children for this scheme. This was a desire of the parents, which they had expressed and said that we present our children for this cause.
“The Jamaat says that you have presented your children to this cause, we accept the dedication of your child. Now you should educate this child in such a manner that they become firm and clear in their mind that they are Waqf-e-Nau and they will sacrifice their life for the sake of their faith …
“When parents educate their children in this way, then children will be capable of dedicating themselves. And another reason that children are asked about this is so that it becomes clear whether the parents have even educated their children this way or not; have they inculcated this within the minds of their children that they are Waqf-e-Nau and they have to dedicate and serve the Jamaat?”
Huzooraa further explained that the mindsets of people continue to change throughout life and so, as children are free and become mature, it is vital to ask them whether they want to continue the sacrifice of their parents. Huzooraa said “God the Almighty told Hazrat Abrahamas to sacrifice Hazrat Ishmaelas by cutting his throat with a knife. Did he cut his throat straight away? He asked Hazrat Ishmaelas [first] that he had a dream and whether he should fulfil it? Hazrat Ishmaelas responded positively, that he should fulfil the dream he saw.
“So he asked him; he did not say that Allah had instructed him to do this [without question]. He asked him and he responded that he should do as Allah had instructed. Then, when both, father and son, mutually consented, this was their sacrifice which was accepted. This sacrifice of Hazrat Ishmaelas and Hazrat Abrahamas was the one that was accepted.
“Then, Allah said that He had observed the passion of sacrifice within him and that he did not need to sacrifice him literally.” Thus, Huzooraa said, “God Himself has left man free to choose his options. We cannot impose anything on anyone.”
Huzooraa further added, “As a Waqfe-Nau, who is to serve religion, one must fashion themselves according to what is required of a waqf. A Waqf-e-Nau should know and be regular in their prayers, be regular in reciting the Holy Quran; a waqf should know the translation of the Holy Quran, read the hadith, study the books of the Promised Messiahas and listen to the words of the Khalifa so that knowledge of religion can increase.
“Wherever you are working in the world, your priority should be religion … Even the Companionsra used to work and had their own businesses worth millions and some billions. However they were always ready and eager for Jihad”.
The class concluded after the questions and answers with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.