Atta-Ul Naseer, National President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Greece

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Greece held its second National Conference of Religions of the World in Athens on 1 February 2024, in the framework of the UN World Interfaith Week (1-7 February 2024). The theme of the Conference was “Peaceful Solutions to World Conflicts”.
The opening address was delivered by Samsideen Iddrisu Sahib, a member of the Board of Directors of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Greece.
Distinguished speakers included His Grace Dayanidhi Das Vanachari, President of the ISCKON Community in Greece; His Excellency Archbishop Jan Romeo Pawloski, Ambassador of the Vatican and representative of His Holiness Pope Francis in Greece; Archimandrite Dr Aristarchos Grekas, Associate Professor of Theology at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens; Mr Dawa Loday, representative of the Pathgate Buddhist Community in Athens; Mr Diljeet Singh, President of the Sikh Community in Taurus, Athens; and Dr Syed Tahir Kazmi, on behalf of the Shia Muslim Community in Peristeri, Athens.

The discussion was moderated by Dr Theodoros Theodorou, former Ambassador of Greece to Kuwait, who summarised the final conclusions of the Conference and read the written message of His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and All Greece.
Written messages for the event were also sent by various ambassadors. The Jewish Community of Volos also sent wishes for the success of the event.
Mr Athanasios Chimonas, Vice Mayor of the Municipality of Athens, closed the event by delivering the greeting of the Mayor of Athens, Mr Haris Doukas.
The Conference was attended by various religious, political and diplomatic officials and representatives of civil society.