11-17 January


11 January 1899: The Promised Messiahas was again in Gurdaspur for the hearing of his case with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi. On this day, Hazrat Ahmadas was represented by Mr W Browne, Sheikh Fazl Din Sahib, Sheikh Ali Ahmad Sahib and Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib. Mr Browne admitted that his client had issued some books and pamphlets. At the end of the hearing, a list of 58 defense witnesses was presented to the court on behalf of Huzooras, but the district magistrate wanted to know the purpose for which each witness was to be produced. Counsels on both sides wanted a postponement at this stage, so the magistrate ordered that the case should be heard at Dhariwal on 27 January.

12 January 1878: The Promised Messiahas had subscribed to the following local papers and read them regularly: Safir of Amritsar; Agni Hotri magazine, Hindu Bandu and Manshur-e-Muhammadi. Hazrat Ahmadas would sometimes send articles to Manshur-e-Muhammadi to be published. On this day, this newspaper published an Urdu poem written by Huzooras from Qadian.

12 January 1889: Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra was born to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas and Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begumra on this day in Qadian, the same year in which the Promised Messiahas established the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Islam by accepting the allegiance of his disciples. This blessed child was destined to be the promised son, mentioned in scriptures. 

12 January 1904: The Promised Messiahas started his journey towards Gurdaspur from Qadian for the court hearing of the case with Karam Din. On 15 January, due to his ill health, he had to apply for sick leave from court, and after approval from the concerned authorities, he immediately commenced his journey back for Qadian.

13 January 1892: An Englishman came to Qadian from Madras and accepted Islam at the hands of the Promised Messiahas. He was the son of a government officer. This was within a year of publication of his book Izala-e-Auham

15 January 1901: On this day, the Promised Messiahas issued an announcement in which he declared his intention to start a monthly magazine in English to convey the spiritual truth to the English-speaking peoples of the world as revealed to him. Its primary object was stated to be the publishing of his own articles in support of Islam. It was to be edited by Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib and Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib. This magazine is known today as the Review of Religions.

15 January 1903: The Promised Messiah’sas Arabic book (with Persian translation) Mawahibur-Rahman (Bounty of God) came out on this day from Zia-ul-Islam Press, Qadian. 

The editor of an Egyptian journal, Al-Liwa, Mustafa Kamil Pasha criticised the action of the Promised Messiahas in directing his followers not to get themselves inoculated against the plague. The paper argued that such a course of action was against the teachings of the Holy Quran, which says: “And cast not yourselves into ruin with your own hands” (Surah al-Baqarah: V. 196). The attack was made out of sheer ignorance without taking into consideration why the Promised Messiahas had urged his followers against the vaccinations and, therefore, such an attack warranted a full-fledged reply from the Promised Messiahas in Arabic.

15 January 1903: The Promised Messiahas started his famous journey towards Jhelum at 3 o’clock on this day from Qadian. Huzooras travelled to attend a court hearing of a lawsuit by Karam Din, but it gave a blessed and historic opportunity to the countless people, who, otherwise, could not especially travel to see him in Qadian. He reached Lahore through Batala. At the railway stations, throngs of people gathered to welcome him; they asked him questions and enjoyed his company.

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