Regional auxiliary Ijtemas held in Kenya


Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent

On Saturday, 15 June 2019, Lajna Imaillah Nakuru Region in Kenya held their regional Ijtema at their regional headquarters in Nakuru, while Majlis Ansarullah Kenya Coast B region successfully held their regional Ijtema.

The programme was well arranged by the team, which was led by Regional President Rehema Noor Sahiba. In attendance were National Sadr Lajna Khadija Juma Sahiba and National Sports Secretary Faiza Abdallah Sahiba.

The opening session for the Ijtema started around 10am in the morning with tilawat by Samra Surayya Sahiba followed by Lajna pledge by National Sadr. This was followed by an Urdu poem read by Soziah Nasir Sahiba.

The opening speech was delivered by Regional Sadr, Rehema Noor Sahiba, where she welcomed all attendees to the Ijtema and urged all members in attendance to take this opportunity and gain all blessings vouchsafed in the Ijtema and also to fully participate in the Ijtema programmes and competitions. Thereafter, competitions started including Hifz-e-Quran, tilawat, speech and nazm. A question and answer session on Islam and the history of Ahmadiyyat was also conducted.

For the sports competitions, all members gathered in the field and participated in various games.

Thereafter, all members gathered in the mosque for the closing session, which began with tilawat by Idriss Sahiba followed by the closing speech by the national president.

In her speech, she encouraged Lajna to organise and hold meetings regularly and send monthly reports. All winners in different competitions were awarded prizes this session. The Ijtema came to a successful close with dua led by the national president. Attendance was 10 Lajna and 12 Nasirat.

On the same day, Majlis Ansarullah’s one-day event began approximately at 11am with the recitation of the Holy Quran delivered by Jureji Suleiman Sahib followed by the Ansar pledge by Regional Nazim-e-Ala Hassan Esalano Sahib. A poem was then recited by Hamza Omar Sahib.

The Ijtema was chaired by National Sadr Ansarullah Sameer Sheikh Sahib, who welcomed members to the Ijtema and urged them to fully participate and be attentive to every speech and all announcements.

He called upon Twalib Zubeir Sahib to deliver the first speech of the Ijtema, which was on the importance of financial sacrifice. In his speech, he stated that the Jamaat is a non-profit organization, hence its finance solely depends on Chanda and other sacrifices. Therefore, it is our duty as followers of the Promised Messiahas to act upon this call of the Imam of the age and fulfill our pledges.

The second speech presented by Jureji Suleiman Sahib was about the importance of prayer in the life of an Ahmadi. He said that as followers of the Holy Prophetsa and the Promised Messiahas, it is our duty to be mindful of our daily prayers and every Ansar member should inculcate the same habit within their children and family as a whole.

This was followed by tilawat, Hifz-e-Quran, Salat and adhan competition. Sports competitions were also conducted, including 100-metre race.

The Ijtema came to a close with the final session in which prizes were distributed by the National President of Majlis Ansarullah, Sameer Sheikh Sahib.

He delivered the concluding remarks in which he reminded members to adhere to the five daily prayers to which Huzooraa repeatedly guides us. He said that Ansar should try their best to offer prayers in congregation and be regular in reciting the Holy Quran. He also urged members to constantly listen to the Friday Sermons of our Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa on MTA and other sessions. Lastly, he urged all members not to forget to fulfill their obligations as Ansarullah. The Ijtema ended with silent prayer.

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