The moral miracles of the Holy Prophet s.a.


Now it is my desire to say a few more words and then conclude this address. I briefly return, for some time, to my discourse in the way of miracles. The first category of miracles are those of an academic nature, such as the splitting of the moon, etc., and the second are of those which relate to divine verities and insights. The third category of miracles, is that which relates to morality.

Moral miracles possess great influence. Philosophers cannot fully be satisfied by verities and insights, but exemplary morals have a deep and penetrating impact on them. One of the miracles of the Holy Prophet, the Chief of the Messengers, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in the way of moral miracles is that once the Prophet of Islam lay asleep under a tree when suddenly he was awoken by a hue and cry. Upon waking he noticed a Bedouin of the desert standing above him, sword in hand, who said:

“O Muhammad! Tell me, who now can save you from my hands?” “Allah,” replied the Prophet of Islam, with the complete satisfaction and true repose that he was blessed with. This response of the Holy Prophetsa was not superficial as others would say. The name “Allah,” which is the personal name of God Almighty and which is that compendium of all perfect attributes, came forth from the mouth of the Messenger with such heart-felt emotion that it touched the heart of the Bedouin. It is said that this is the Greatest Name (ism-e-azam) of God and it possesses tremendous blessings. But as for one who does not even remember Allah, what benefit can such a one derive from this name? Hence, the word “Allah” was uttered by the Holy Prophetsa in such a way that the Bedouin was struck by awe and his hand began to tremble. His sword fell to the ground. The Holy Prophetsa then took hold of the same sword and said:

“Now you tell me, who can save you from my hands?” Who could this weak-hearted desert-nomad of the desert name? Ultimately, the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, exhibited his sublime virtues and said:

“Go, I release you. Learn of clemency and bravery from me.” This miracle of morality had such an influence on this man that he became a Muslim. It is narrated in books of history that once a man came to Abul-Hasan Kharqani. On his return, the man confronted a lion to which he said:

“For the sake of Allah clear my way.” The lion attacked. But then the man said:

‘Leave me for the sake of Abul-Hasan’, and the lion left him. This event disturbed the person in question spiritually, and he turned back from his journey. Upon returning, he narrated this mystery to Abul-Hasan who said:

“This is not a difficult matter. You were not actually acquainted with Allah’s name. The true majesty and awe of Allah was not present in your heart. But as for me, you knew me well and in your heart you held me in high regard.” Hence, there are many a great blessing and merit in Allah’s name, provided that one gives it a place in the heart and seeks to learn its deeper essence. Similarly, among the miracles of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in the way of morality, there is another that on one occasion, the Prophetsa had at his disposal a large number of sheep. One person is reported to have said that never in his life had he seen anyone possess such abundant wealth. The Holy Prophetsa gave the entire flock to that person upon which the man immediately said:

“Without doubt, you are a true Prophet, for such generosity cannot be exhibited by anyone else.” Hence, the exemplary morals of the Holy Prophetsa were such that the Quran makes the following statement:

وَاِنَّکَ لَعَلَی خُلُقٍ عَظِیم

“And thou dost surely possess high moral excellences.”

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 96-97)

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