100 Years Ago… – A word to the missionaries abroad and acknowledgment for the present to the Prince of Wales


The Review of Religions [English], March, April & May, 1922

Qadian 1
Qadian Dar-ul-Aman

A word to our missionaries abroad

Of late we have had very meagre information about the progress of our missionary brothers Dr Sadiq of America, HM Ghulam Mohammad BA, and H Obeidulla, both of Mauritius, and Hasan Musa of Australia. We quite understand the nature of their difficulties, the press of work and lack of time. From the reports that leak out every now and then we quite realise the magnitude of their task and the difficulties they have to overcome in their uphill task, but this much we beg to emphasise upon them that the eyes of all the world, including their Ahmadi brethren, are turned upon them. It is only in the fitness of things that touch with the outer world should be maintained and reports of their work regularly submitted, for we do not see how else they can keep in touch with their outside brethren who are over patiently and ceaselessly praying for the success of their efforts. 

We know from the meagre reports that we can get from other sources that success is attending to their efforts. Even though they be engaged in a work of consolidation, it is but only meet that they should despatch reports of their work. We do not want mere conversions; therefore, we should not be deprived of other information merely on the score that a sufficient quota of the new converts has not been forthcoming in the meantime. We must be kept informed of all their activities, for we want to know of their health as much as of anything else, for that is the only thing we conceive by which they can maintain contact with their brethren abroad. […]

The Muslim Sunrise, a quarterly magazine

Harbinger of the glad tidings of Islam. The only advocate of true Islam in America. The fulfiller of the prophecy of the Holy Prophet[sa] of Arabia that the Sun of Islam will rise in the West. Articles very illuminating. Edited by Dr Mufti Mohammad Sadiq, Muslim Missioner, America. Annual subscription $1 (England 5/- Single copy 25c). The two articles in the April Number, “If Jesus came to America” and “Don’t be a hypocrite”, we strongly recommend to the reading public.

An acknowledgement for the present to the Prince of Wales


No. 938 P. 

Prince of Wales Camp, India. 

GF De Montmorency, 

Chief Secretary to His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales.


Zulfikar Ali Khan, Additional Secretary, 

Ahmadiyya Community, Qadian, Punjab. 

Dated the 1 March 1922. 


I am commanded by His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, to acknowledge with thanks the address of welcome received from the members of the Ahmadiyya Community through the Government of the Punjab. His Royal Highness has read with interest the account given in the address of the origin of the Ahmadiyya movement and looks forward to reading the fuller history of the community in the very handsome volume presented to him by subscription among the members. His Royal Highness appreciates very warmly the loyal feeling, which has prompted so many thousands of your co-religionists to contribute towards this presentation and his pleasure in receiving this token of loyalty is the greater because he learns from His Excellency, the Governor of the Punjab that throughout the Great War and in the difficult times that followed the Ahmadiyya Community have been distinguished for a steadfast attitude of loyalty both towards the Throne and to the Empire. I am commanded to assure you that, in view of this record, the community may always count upon the warm regard of His Royal Highness. 

I have the honour to be, 


Your most obedient servant, 

De Montmorency, 

Chief Secretary to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. 

Changes in the office bearers

H Rahim Bakhsh MA becomes the Private Secretary to His Holiness, the Khalifatul Massih, Ch Fateh Mohammad Sayyal MA, Nazir Talif-o-Ishaat (in charge propaganda work), Syed Zainul Abideen Waliullahshah, Assistant propaganda work, while Shaikh Nawab Din BA BT takes hold of the Agency. For the present in place of M Ali Muhammad BA BT, who has reverted to his post in the TI High School, Qadian, Ch FM Sayyal temporarily carries on the duties of the Education member. 

[Return of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II from Lahore] 

His Holiness was back at Qadian on the 2nd of March [1922] early in the day.

(Transcribed by Al Hakam from the original in The Review of Religions, March, April & May, 1922)

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