Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira (1875–1957)
Engagements of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II

The second week of Huzoor’s[ra] stay in London has now passed. Despite these days being considered a holiday season in London, during which people often travel to seaside resorts, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s[ra] engagements have continued to increase steadily.
Although Huzoor[ra] was unwell this week […], he was still unable to sleep more than three or four hours a day. Meetings with various individuals, consultations on essential matters regarding the tabligh of Islam in foreign countries, reviewing translations of the conference paper, and making necessary revisions to its content, have all contributed to a workload that would overwhelm any ordinary person.
This week, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] did not leave his residence even once and remained occupied with his work from early morning until midnight to 1 am.
Huzoor’s[ra] health gradually improved, and he was feeling much better; however, the news of the martyrdom of Nematullah Khan of Kabul on 3 September [1924] once again had an impact on him.
The newspapers in London have shown significant interest in Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] arrival, and various articles have been published across different publications. In this manner, the name of the Promised Messiahas is gaining prominence in this land, (where, according to Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib, even mentioning his name was considered a deadly poison). All strength is granted by Allah the Almighty. Below, I have recorded the diary of these days in detail:
Conversation with the [Daily] Star’s correspondent
On the morning of 28 August 1924, a correspondent from the [Daily] Star newspaper had the honour of meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra]. The purpose of his visit, as explained by Huzoor[ra], was as follows:
Reason for Europe’s tour
“I had no personal intention to come here. I am here because Allah the Almighty willed for me to come. The world desires peace and tranquillity, which cannot be achieved without connecting with Allah the Almighty. I believe that the initiative for the religious conference was divinely inspired and intended to draw people’s attention toward religion, and recognising it as such, I have come to participate.
Future peace in the world through the Holy Quran
“I believe that the future peace of the world can only be achieved through the teachings of the Holy Quran. However, I must also mention that there are many misunderstandings about the teachings of the Quran, not only among those who do not follow it but also among its followers. Nevertheless, I am confident that all these misunderstandings will be dispelled, and the world will eventually unite, with everyone living together in brotherhood.
Desire to establish virtue and piety in the world
“The terms ‘East’ and ‘West’ are relative. In the eyes of God Almighty, all places are one, and this should also be the attitude of His true devotees. We must all strive together to establish virtue and piety in the world. When we begin to do so, a common purpose will gradually lead us toward common means, resulting in as much unity as possible, considering the diversity of various regions. Therefore, I hope that:
Expectations from England
“[We expect that] England, which has always stood for freedom, will not only allow us to work freely but also assist us in presenting this truth to the world, which we believe is the only means of salvation. Particularly, the newspapers of England, which are perhaps the country’s most significant support, will also help us in our cause.”
On the same day, the [Daily] Star newspaper published a note containing excerpts from Huzoor’s[ra] interview.
Weather in London
The weather in London is as unpredictable as a fickle human being. Generally, the weather remains cloudy. During my interactions with European officers in India, they would often ask about the weather, and I used to wonder if they were doing so merely to pass the time. However, after coming to London, I have realised the significance of this concern. The daily newspapers here feature the weather prominently under the headline “Today’s Weather.”
The [Daily] Star’s correspondent also enquired about the weather, to which Huzoor[ra] responded:
“Your weather does not bother me in the slightest. We are here to work, and the clouds and rain help us remain absorbed in our tasks.”
The moral aspect of Western civilisation
Regarding the moral aspect of Western civilisation, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] remarked to the [Daily] Star’s correspondent that, as far as integrity and courtesy are concerned, the West is ahead of Eastern civilisation, but from a religious perspective, it lags far behind the East.
Reception for correspondents
On 28 August 1924, at 4pm, Mr Nayyar[ra] hosted a reception for the correspondents of various newspapers. In addition to the correspondents, Colonel Sir Younghusband, a distinguished member of the local scientific society and president of the Geographical Society, attended the event, along with Miss Sharples, the Secretary of the Religious Conference.
Huzoor’s message to the people of England through the press
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] had written this message in Urdu, and the translation and reading of this message, a task of remarkable honour and distinction, were undertaken by the highly respected Chaudhry Zafrulla Khan Sahib[ra] (Barrister), Amir of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat Lahore. Chaudhry Sahib[ra] has an exceptional command of the English language and is such an eloquent speaker that he can translate extemporaneously without hesitation. His speech is endowed with an inherent charisma and impact, and he speaks in such a manner that his words seem to blossom like flowers from his mouth. Chaudhry Sahib[ra] attributes this eloquence and ability of translation entirely to the prayers, special attention, and training of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra]. He often says that “This speech and translation are not mine, but Huzoor’s[ra]. If I were to attempt this translation on my own, it would take me days.”
The truth is that this is the spirit that attracts the bounties and blessings of Allah the Almighty. May God Almighty grant all our youth and us a share of Chaudhry Sahib’s[ra] enviable faith. Amin.
The eloquence of Chaudhry Sahib[ra] has also been specifically mentioned by the newspapers here. Hence, Chaudhry Sahib[ra] translated and delivered Huzoor’s[ra] message extemporaneously, despite the fact that it was written only half an hour before the reception. The message is as follows:
“I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
“We praise Him and invoke blessings on His Noble Messengersa.
“By the grace and mercy of Allah.
“He alone is the Helper.
Love for humanity and England’s tour
“I have come to England because of the love and affection I have for humanity, which I believe is the result of the blessed company of the Founderas of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the teachings of Islam. I also believe in the prophecies made by the Founderas of the Ahmadiyya Community, which indicate that the West will soon accept the truths brought by him, who claimed to be the Promised Messiah, Mahdi, and the Promised One of all religions.
Prophecy regarding England
“When he was alone and had no followers, and the Hindus, Muslims, and Christians—who were naturally opposed to him—were against him, and the government also viewed him with suspicion due to his claim to be the Mahdi, it was at that time that he foretold that Allah would spread his name to the corners of the world. He specifically mentioned that people in England and other Western countries would accept his claim and embrace Islam—the Islam (that he had come to revive and cleanse of the errors introduced by those who presented it without divine revelation).
“It has now been 34 years since that prophecy, and today, nearly one million people around the world accept him. Moreover, several people in European countries and America have also believed in him. Therefore, based on past events, I am confident that the remaining part of the prophecy will also be fulfilled. The Islam that the Promised Messiahas revived—pure from human interpretation—will ultimately spread, and England will receive light from a person who lived in a country under its rule, just as Rome received divine light 1900 years ago from a prophet in one of its territories. Though this may seem difficult, who could have imagined that the Reformer from Nazareth [Jesusas] would prevail over the world?
“Allah the Almighty always uses those whom the world considers lowly and weak so that His glory may be manifest and people do not mistake Him for needing human assistance.
“I hope that the people of England will seriously consider the claim of the person who said that Allah spoke to him just as He spoke to the earlier Prophets. I assure them that if they turn their attention to him, they will find the glory of God within themselves and hear His word just as the disciples of the earlier Prophets heard it and felt it.
The Promised Messiah as the Prince of Peace
The Promised Messiahas claimed to be the Prince of Peace and that under his hand the world would unite, and peace would be established. Therefore, it is the duty of every peace-loving person to consider his claim, so that their indifference does not delay the cause for which he strives.
How can true brotherhood be established?
“No true brotherhood can be established without a foundation based on a relationship with God, for the bond between brothers is through the father, and only those who recognise the father can recognise His rights. In this age, the Promised Messiahas is the only person who claims that he can unite humanity with [God] in this world. Not only does he claim this, but thousands of those who have followed his teachings have heard the word of Allah just as the disciples of the earlier Prophets did. The author of this message is one of them.
The attention of the people of England and the English press
“I hope that England will kindly assist our mission and that all those who genuinely desire the love of God will, without concern for ridicule or reproach, turn their attention toward it. The English press, which upholds freedom, will assist us in achieving that true freedom without which ‘children’ cannot unite with their ‘Father’. Even those who oppose our views should at least consider that our objective and theirs are the same: to establish virtue in the world and create a true brotherhood by re-establishing the connection between man and God, which results in peace.
“When we reflect on the unity of this purpose and work within our own spheres, this unity will inevitably compel us to adopt common means, bringing us together.
Focus on the Eastern question
“Since our purpose is to establish virtuous relationships between God and His servants and between people themselves, I also request the people of England to pay greater attention to the Eastern question. Despite efforts, the East and the West are growing increasingly apart, and if this matter is not addressed soon, the consequences will not be good for the world. Wise people should not focus solely on the present state of affairs but should consider what such conditions ultimately lead to. The life of nations is not limited, so they must look not only at the immediate future but at the distant future as well. The world cannot remain as it is; if there is no change, remember that either both civilisations – new and old – will be destroyed, or at least one of them will perish. But why not strive so that both may survive?
How the East and West can unite
“Kindness and foresight can bridge this gap, but this cannot be achieved by governments; it will not happen until the nations themselves turn their attention to it. Those who look to governments for this task are shortsighted. Governments do not act on their own; it is the nations that move them. A tremendous power is at work in the world. Why not use it for our benefit? A river, when its waters are utilised effectively, irrigates millions of acres, but if left unchecked, it destroys thousands of villages and claims hundreds of lives. So let us all strive for improvement and become builders rather than destroyers.”
Gifts to the press correspondents
The impact of this message was evident on the faces of the press correspondents. They were presented with the book titled “A Present to the Prince of Wales” as a gift, and some of them requested Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] to sign their copies. It is customary here to collect the signatures of prominent individuals on the books or photographs they give as gifts. The more distinguished the person, the more such a gift is cherished as a mark of pride and honour, becoming a valuable heirloom and asset for their families. Consequently, even Colonel Sir Younghusband and the secretary of the religious conference expressed this wish sincerely, and Huzoor[ra] inscribed these two phrases on each book in the following way:
“Mirza Mahmud Ahmad
“Khalifatul Masih.”
– Yaqub Ali Irfani
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 27 September 1924 issue of Al Fazl)