Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira (1875-1957)

It has been 4 weeks since Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] arrived in London. A brief account of his activities and engagements of this fourth week is presented below for the interest of friends.
Huzoor’s[ra] activities are increasing by the day, and these engagements are undoubtedly affecting his health. However, his state of health is reminiscent of that of the Promised Messiahas. He frequently experiences headaches, and during this week, there was a severe bout of headache. Additionally, Huzoor[ra] has been experiencing eye inflammation, for which ointment has been continuously applied. For the past three days, he has also been having a fever at night.
Despite all these conditions, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] work is such that not a single day passes where he is not occupied until 2 am. In fact, he is so engrossed in religious concerns and matters of the Jamaat that he seems unaware of his own health and ailments. The truth is that the only thing that matters to Huzoor[ra], day and night, is to spread the message of truth, [i.e., Islam Ahmadiyyat] throughout the world.
While his health would require at least half an hour of fresh air, even that has practically ceased, as he was unable to go outside this week as well.
Current week’s work
This account does not include postal correspondence, nor does it include the letters received from London or its surroundings, or from India. I am only mentioning the part of the work that is in addition to these.
11 September 1924
This was the day for correspondence, so Huzoor[ra] wrote letters to India by hand. In addition to other letters, he also composed and sent an article. After 5 pm, Mr Ellison, Secretary of the League of Nations’ Religion and Ethics Branch, and Mr Ryan came for a meeting, during which Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] answered their questions.
‘I am the Khalifa of the Prince of Peace’
After enquiring about his well-being, Mr Ellison asked, “How can His Holiness assist us?”
Huzoor[ra] responded by saying that, “I sympathise with every movement aimed at restoring peace in the world because one of the titles given by God to the Founder[as] of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat was ‘The Prince of Peace,’ and it was for this very purpose that Allah the Almighty sent him. It is my duty to strive for the fulfilment of this purpose, as I am the Khalifa of that Prince of Peace.
“Some teachings of the Holy Quran were destined to be fulfilled during the era of the Promised Messiahas, and their practical dissemination is linked to this time. Among these is the propagation of peace.
Prohibition of spreading religion by sword
“The teachings of our Jamaat have greatly contributed to the promotion of peace in the world and have been of immense benefit. For instance, in relation to establishing peace on the Indian frontier, even British government officials have acknowledged that the teachings of the Ahmadiyya Community have been of significant advantage.
“We do not believe in the use of the sword or war for the propagation of religion. The concept of religious propagation through the ‘Jihad’ of sword, which some Muslims mistakenly consider their ultimate weapon, is prohibited in our Jamaat. This is the true teaching of Islam, and its revival and dissemination have taken place through the Founder[as] of our community. It is for this reason that we have suffered persecution in India and other Muslim countries.
“For instance, the people and government of Afghanistan have martyred members of our community. Recently, on 31 August 1924, one of our missionaries was stoned to death. However, despite all these hardships and afflictions, I consider it my duty to complete the foundation of global peace laid by the Founder[as] of the Ahmadiyya Community, and I am prepared to offer any possible assistance and sacrifice for this purpose.”
Religious harmony
At this point, Mr Ryan asked, “How can you help us establish peace and harmony with other nations?”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] said, “If your intention is to avoid conflicts in religious preaching and promote peace and harmony, I would like to inform you that the holy Founder[as] of the Ahmadiyya Community emphasised this greatly. He presented principles that, if followed, could immediately remove religious conflicts and establish peace and harmony. For example, he strongly emphasised that everyone should propagate their religion with love and peace, highlighting its attributes without attacking the beliefs of others. Furthermore, no one should speak harshly of the leaders or sacred personalities of other religions.
“If people of different religions were to act upon this principle, religious hatred would quickly disappear. Our Jamaat adheres to this principle to such an extent that even if someone comes to our mosque and objects to our religion, we do not prevent them from speaking, nor do we stop them from worshipping. In this way, we are already working toward this goal, and you can hope to receive full cooperation from us in fulfilling this objective of the League of Nations.”
Assistance in establishing peace
Mr Ellison asked, “We wish to establish a branch in India. Will you assist us? Mrs Besant has also promised help.”
Huzoor[ra] replied, “Since Mrs Besant is involved in politics, her assistance may not be very useful for the League of Nations. However, we are ready to provide assistance in every way. We will cooperate with even those who oppose us for the sake of this noble cause, on the condition that we are not bound to refrain from participation due to any religious principle.
“I would also like to point out that the League is not yet a perfect instrument for peace. Peace can be established in two ways. First, by transforming hearts. If hearts are changed, there would no longer be a need for the League. Second, peace can be established through power. By power, I do not mean that the League should raise an army, as that would make the League a party to the conflict. Rather, I mean that if one nation breaches the peace, all other nations should exercise moral force against it. When that nation is subdued, only the issue that caused the conflict should be resolved in the peace settlement, and no other matters should be imposed, as was done in the Treaty of Versailles.”
Mr Ellison enquired, “How can we keep you informed of our efforts?”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] responded that he could be kept informed through his local representative present in London, Maulana Abdul Rahim Dard[ra] MA.
12 September 1924
Today was Friday, and the Jumu‘ah prayer was held as usual at the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Putney. Huzoor[ra] delivered the sermon and remained there for a short while after the prayer. Upon returning to the residence, the Asr prayer was offered, and he remained seated for a considerable time. There was also a discussion of the telegram sent by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali Sahib[ra] from Qadian, which detailed the events surrounding the martyrdom of the Kabul missionary.
Satisfaction with markazi work
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] also mentioned that both the extensive and brief papers written for the religious conference had been published and dispatched. He expressed satisfaction with the diligence and swiftness with which the work was being done and viewed the efforts of his workers with respect and appreciation.
Two lectures
On 14 September [1924], there were two scheduled lectures in Portsmouth. One was on the Second Coming of Messiah, and the other on the Divine Message. Huzoor[ra] mentioned that both lectures were scheduled for the same day, and said, “I have not written anything yet. It would be better if Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib prepared the lecture on the Second Coming of Messiah, while I wrote the lecture on the Divine Message. If I get the opportunity, I will also write the first lecture, but Maulvi Sahib should be prepared as well.”
13 September 1924
Today, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] began writing the lecture for Portsmouth. As he wrote, Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib[ra] simultaneously translated it, and by midnight, both the translation and typing were completed. This is a 28-page paper that Huzoor[ra] wrote spontaneously. Upon examining the original manuscript, it becomes evident how Huzoor[ra] wrote it with such promptness. This does not mean that he spent the entire day writing; in fact, the entire work only took two hours in total, completed at different intervals.
Mr Das Gupta was present for dinner. He proposed a plan for Huzoor[ra] to visit America, and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] listened attentively and reflected on it. However, despite his encouragement, Huzoor[ra] did not express any willingness to go to America. His priority remains the markazi [central] needs of the Jamaat, and the significance of the Jalsa Salana cannot be overlooked as well.
Laying down the prayer mats
Some actions may seem small, but they carry significant lessons. Today, at the time of the Zuhr prayer, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] was the first to enter the room where prayers are offered. The prayer mats are usually folded and placed aside after the prayer. Since Huzoor[ra] was the first to arrive, he laid down the prayer mats himself.
In all the years I have observed his noble character, I have never seen any display of pretension or formality. Despite having known him since childhood, and regardless of the high station God has bestowed upon him, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] never hesitate to perform even the simplest of tasks. I have already mentioned that Huzoor[ra] packs his own luggage for journeys, and I also observed that, even when surrounded by a group of companions, Huzoor[ra] himself fastens or unties his shoes. This simplicity and unpretentiousness provide us with a manifest lesson.
14 September 1924 – Lecture in Portsmouth
Two lectures were scheduled for him today in Portsmouth – one at 3:30 pm and the other at 6:45 pm. We departed from London at 10 am and boarded the train at Waterloo Station. The honour of accompanying Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] on this journey was given to Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib[ra], Maulvi Rahim Bakhsh Sahib[ra], Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra], Dr Sahib[ra], and [this humble] servant, Irfani[ra]. We stayed the night there.
15 September 1924
We left Portsmouth after 8 am and arrived back at the residence around 10:30 am. Today, the Indian students had invited Huzoor[ra] and his companions for tea. The Zuhr and Asr prayers were combined and offered together, and we joined the tea gathering at 4 pm. Afterward, Huzoor[ra] walked on his way back, making use of this opportunity for some light exercise. This was the first time in nearly two weeks that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] had the chance to enjoy some fresh air.
16 September 1924
The paper prepared for the religious conference required more time than was initially allotted. Therefore, yesterday, one of the conference secretaries, Mr Loftus, came to meet Huzoor[ra] to request that the paper be shortened to fit within the given time. As a result, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] spent the day revising the paper, and it was typed simultaneously. In this way, this religious conference led to the writing of three powerful papers by Huzoor’s[ra] pen.
17 September 1924
This evening, there was a Protestant conference regarding the martyrdom of Maulvi Nematullah Khanrh, the martyr of Kabul, where Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] was to deliver a speech about the events of his martyrdom. An announcement for this event was published, along with some excerpts from British newspapers that were distributed as handbills. Initially, this meeting was planned to be held at Central Hall, but the management of Central Hall refused, stating that “Since you have confronted Christianity, you will not be allowed to use this hall.” As a result, the event was relocated to Essex Hall.
At this occasion, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] wrote his speech spontaneously once again, while Chaudhry Sahib[ra] translated it simultaneously. The meeting was held at the scheduled time at Essex Hall under the chairmanship of Reverend Dr Walter Walsh. The gathering included prominent and well-respected individuals with strong judgment. One of the unique aspects of this event was the diverse audience representing various sectors of society. Initially, only two resolutions were proposed for the meeting, but the enthusiasm of the people was so great that two additional resolutions were added. One resolution expressed sympathy with the family of the deceased martyr, and the other proposed sending the meeting’s proceedings to the Lord Mayor and the Labour Council.
The president and other English speakers praised the greatness of the Ahmadiyya Movement and its methods of establishing peace in remarkable terms. However, Khawaja Kamaluddin’s son, who seemed unable to witness this success, expressed opposition, thereby revealing his hard-heartedness, but in the end, he remained unsuccessful and frustrated.
18 September 1924
Today is the day for correspondence, and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] is busy writing letters. At 4 pm, he is invited to a tea gathering. This brief diary clearly reflects how significant and busy his activities and engagements are.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 14 October 1924 issue of Al Fazl)