Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira (1875-1957)
Impact of Huzoor’s interview on La Tribuna’s editor
The impact of [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’sra] interview on the editor of La Tribuna can be gauged from the article he published in the 20 August [1924] issue of his newspaper, which included a group photograph of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud[ra] and his travel companions.
I present here the title, some headings, and excerpts from this article. The complete article, along with its translation, will be published in my travelogue, insha-Allah.
The first title reads, “We are all soon to become Muslims,” under which he writes:
“In a short span of time, all of Europe, America, and other countries that do not yet accept Muhammad[sa] as a Prophet will become Muslim, including Italy.”
The above statement, conveying the message of Islam to the people of Italy, was derived from the interview with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra]. He also titled another section, “The greatest saviour has arrived,” and yet another, “The Catholic pope.” Under this last title, he mentioned some prophecies of the Promised Messiahas, particularly regarding the Great War, and then reiterated the words of invitation to Islam, as I have mentioned before, while discussing the pope.
The publication of this article in La Tribuna created a stir in the city, and wherever a companion of Huzoor[ra] ventured, hundreds of men, women, young and old, would gather around them with enthusiasm and interest. Crowds would especially gather around the Imam[ra], their faces revealing the difficulty they had with the language, yet unable to suppress their emotions, they would express their personal feelings in their mother tongue.
Another newspaper
Following this, another article was published on the same date [20 August 1924] in the local newspaper “Il Giornale d’Italia.” Its correspondent had met with Huzoor[ra] at 2:30pm. The title of his article was “Muslim Revival: Ahmadiyya.” We are certain that articles were published in other newspapers as well, but due to our unfamiliarity with the Italian language and our prompt departure, we could not ascertain further details.
My purpose in presenting these events is twofold: firstly, to convey that the sole objective of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] during this entire journey was to find ways as to how rapidly we can spread the Ahmadiyya Jamaat across the world. Secondly, to assess what obstacles exist in the propagation of Islam in these Western countries. Nevertheless, there is evident interest [in Islam] among the Italian people.
Meeting with Prime Minister Mussolini
On 19 August 1924, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] had a meeting with Italy’s Prime Minister [Benito] Mussolini. The main purpose of this meeting was to present the objectives and mission of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat to ensure that sending future missionaries to Italy would be facilitated without any misunderstandings. During the meeting, Huzoor[ra] utilised the time effectively to convey the Jamaat’s aims and objectives in appropriate terms. The Prime Minister received him with great respect and dedicated more than an hour of his time to the discussion.
One of the attributes of Huzoor’s character
I have previously written that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] took particular care of the comfort and well-being of his associates during this journey. In Italy, we had to stay in two different hotels because one hotel had difficulties with food preparation, necessitating the use of another hotel for some friends so that food could be prepared there. Because of this, food was consumed in two different locations, and it became a regular practice for Huzoor[ra] to enquire before eating if everyone had eaten. One day, he was informed that there was not enough curry for some friends. Although this may seem trivial, it had such an impact on your temperament that the next morning, when food was presented before him, Huzoor[ra] gave specific instructions and cautioned us that such an error should never happen again. He would not tolerate a situation where something was on his table but not on the other’s. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] practically demonstrated how to fulfil the rights of hospitality and brotherhood in Islam.
Health challenges in Italy
Due to excessive discourse, continuous sleepless nights, and irregular meals in Damascus, Huzoor[ra] had fever and [other health issues]. By the time we reached Beirut, his condition had worsened to the point that we had to find a capable doctor immediately, and thus, the departure from Beirut also took place while he was unwell.
In Rome, we made a mistake on 19 August 1924: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] had been busy since morning and had neither breakfast nor lunch. In the evening, some photos were to be taken, and we took along Rahim Din, who was responsible for cooking, which resulted in the evening meal being hastily prepared. As was his habit, Huzoor[ra] did not comment on the quality of the food and ate it due to appetite. That night, Huzoor[ra] [became unwell] and had fever as well. The next morning, he pointed out our mistake and expressed disappointment, but Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] displeasure was marked by affection and forbearance. When I apologised, he said that it was not a matter of punishment or forgiveness but that we knew he had not eaten since morning and yet took Rahim Din along, resulting in the recurrence of fever, and liver issues […]. Huzoor[ra] remarked that this was akin to poisoning. He expressed that we were expected to be more sensible and that such an error was not anticipated from us.
We were very regretful over our mistake. However, our kind leader, still being unwell, soon after gathered everyone together with love and affection. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] attended to the arrangements for tickets, and I, along with Chaudhry Sahib[ra] and Maulvi Rahim Bakhsh Sahib[ra], went for the translation of newspapers.
I present these accounts so that our friends may see that there is nothing artificial or pretentious about this great man. Instead, his every word and deed genuinely reflect his natural feelings, through which he seeks to instil exemplary conduct in his companions.
Departure from Italy
On the evening of 19 August 1924, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] personally arranged tickets to London through Thomas Cook. I must also mention that in our country, prominent individuals often consider manual work beneath them and see attending to financial matters as beneath their dignity. However, I observed during this journey, as well as before, since God appointed him as Khalifa, that Huzoor[ra] very strict in financial matters and thoroughly scrutinise everything. During this trip, he handled all the financial accounts with Cook himself.
In Rome, when Huzoor[ra] went for the tickets, Cook had arranged them so that the Caliph would arrive first, with his travel companions arriving later. He recognised this flaw and said that such an arrangement was not suitable. The agent explained that there was no harm in the rest of the group arriving a few hours later, but Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] insisted that this would not do; this was a single journey under a single administration, and it could not be divided. The tickets were then prepared accordingly, and on the evening of 20 August [1924], Huzoor[ra] departed from Rome with his associates.
Many Americans were in Rome at the time, most of whom were heading to London. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] completed this journey while continuing to propagate the message of Islam. When we boarded the train in Turin, he personally managed the seating arrangements, making sure every single one of his companions was seated before retiring to his own compartment.
French Territory
At various stations, a large crowd would gather behind Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra]. As we crossed the lush, green, and populated regions of Italy, we entered Milan, that was once part of the French territory. Here, customs officials came on board the train and enquired whether we had any restricted items like cigars, cigarettes, etc. After we assured them, we had none, they trusted our word, and we arrived in Paris in the morning.
The train was scheduled to depart from Paris at 10am, but we had to catch it from another station in Paris. Due to the time required for the transportation of luggage and other formalities, we were often delayed at each station. Nevertheless, we all boarded a car and headed to the station. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra], Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Sahib[ra], Mirza Sharif Ahmad Sahib[ra], and Chaudhry Ali Muhammad Sahib[ra] boarded another car and, passing through some major roads, arrived on time.
From Paris to London
We departed from Paris at 10am and boarded a ship near Calais around 3pm to cross the English Channel. Although the crossing usually takes about an hour, the channel was turbulent due to strong winds, causing many men and women to become seasick.
After crossing the channel by 4pm, we boarded the train again and arrived at London’s Victoria Station by 6pm. A telegram had already been sent to London, indicating our arrival at 3:20pm. At that time, a crowd of nearly 300 people had gathered at Victoria Station to receive the Caliph, including editors, photographers from major London newspapers, and other dignitaries. However, after waiting until 5pm, some of them left, but a significant number still remained and waited. Upon disembarking at the station, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] led a prayer with the community, and this scene was captured by photographers, with the images later published in London newspapers.
Prayer at Ludgate
From there, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] led his group to Ludgate, where he prayed for the success of Islam and the breaking of the cross in the courtyard near the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral. This sight was never witnessed before by the people of London, so it attracted a large crowd from all sides. After offering a long prayer, Huzoor[ra], along with his attendants, proceeded to 6 Chesham Place. Before entering the residence, he offered another silent prayer.
Newspaper correspondents and photographers continue to visit, and pictures of the Caliph in prayer and supplication are being published in the newspapers.
– Yaqub Ali Irfani.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 23 September 1924 issue of Al Fazl)